Allowing us to see rules
Provide a section that gives us the rules in its entirety. Allow a search so we can search for that keyword we want to check the rules on, let it fold up so we don’t have to scroll a long way to find that rule we want to check… I keep the rules open on the webpage, but it would be nice to have on the app, ready to open and search rather than scan.

Flyhigh404#12089 commented
I recommend everyone to download the rules in their preferred format from Wizard's website, and search that document. Really.
And if you like a simpler format, use the mtg wiki.
Tiger#51644 commented
As a new player who didn't know what "scry" meant, or by other term, this would be incredible
WharfRat#43176 commented
Great idea! As a player jumping back in the game after a 20 year hiatus, having the rules and feature definitions right in the app would make the experience much more enjoyable and easier. I vote YES, MF'ing YES!!!
Broken-token#57417 commented
I was also going to mention, having keywords show the specific wording as a shortcut for “related searches” could be rather helpful. A new player might search for “exalted” and completely miss out on Altar of the Goyf, for instance.