Using Promo Code Cards In App.
My LGS requires us to use the Companion app to register for events such as prereleases and FNMs. In prerelease kits and promo prize packs at FNM are promo code cards. It would be extremely convenient if I could use these codes on the app since it already uses my same login as Arena. It would save me the trouble of trying to keep track of those code cards and would be a nice upside to being forced to use this app entirely against my will.
LouisLopez#21357 commented
You don't HAVE to use the app (they can't force you to install apps on your phone for in store events). I'm boycotting Companion until it's fixed. Make the TO enter you manually (using your email from Arena). When enough TOs complain about having to do this maybe they'll fix it because they sure don't listen to players.