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Dark Alliance Bugs & Suggestions/Feedback

1. I encountered this issue on [INSERT PLATFORM HERE]
2. I was playing [WITH FRIENDS/ALONE]
3. I was playing as [INSERT HERO NAME HERE]

Describe what you were doing before the issue happened.

Describe the problem you encountered.

Expected Result:
What you expected would happen instead.

217 results found

  1. Suggestion - Add New Bosses

    Hello, I’d like to suggest a few things. First please fix the bugs as soon as possible. Second can you add new bosses and maybe a new class. And maybe add a pet companion in the near future. This game has amazing potential so please don’t give up on it

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  2. Me and my friends have encountered a lot of Bugs and just general balance issues

    So me and my friends have been playing this game and so far we love it, the experience is great and Its exciting to see where this game will go in the future. However there have been a lot bugs, technical issues, and general balancing issues as well, I will go over all of them here in this post. For starters one of my friends is getting this recurring bug where after an act he will have a chance to never load into the Hub world, which causes him to have to restart his game and when he goes to…

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  3. Targeting fix for AI

    Fix the targeting so the AI is facing where they are attacking and like with icewing she will target behind her and attack before she gets spun around killing you before you know who she is attacking. its breaks the game do to not knowing what is happening. if AI is going to attack someone behind them they should have to start facing that way first. Archers will be facing away from you and shooting you through their own bodies.

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  4. sujet game play

    bonjour a vous

    apres plusieur heure de jeu avec mes compagnon, nous formon un groupe de 3 personne le drow le nain et l'archere, on a constaté que l'archere faisé beaucoup plus de degat que n'importe qu elle personnage, en moyen 10k de degat âr second avec un gear score de 3600, drizz et bruenor font a peine 2k de degat . peut t'on revoir l'equilibrage des personnage??

    de plus les degat recu sont vraiment trop lourd en moyen 3 pour pas dire un coups , bon en comparaisont les soin sont trop puissant. peut t'on voi aussi un equilibrage…

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  5. QOL Changes

    1. Please let us change how much we want to zoom in, when locking on targets. Also, the lock on goes wild as soon as an enemy dies and there is no enemy nearby.
    2. Make a tutorial. Honestly, you do not explain any of the characters skills or how to anything. It's frustrating. Just imagine someone who only plays casual - they won't keep playing your game.
    3. The NPCs attacks are weirdly async. Sometimes attacks hit you before you see them, sometimes they hit waay after you've seen them.
    4. Attack direction should go where you are moving, not where your character…
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  6. il faudrait revoir votre algorithme pour le melange des cartes

    ne pas avoir de créature une manche c'est possible pas 3 manches de suite démarrer avec 5 cartes les mêmes plusieurs manches de suite n'est pas probable non plus sauf si on a une qu'une seule main pour mélanger et encore j'en doute j'adore ce jeux es ses problèmes me rendent fou

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  7. Trophies bugs and suggestions

    In my opinion there are trophies that have bugs on PlayStation 5 I'm not 100% sure, but I have my doubts so make sure of this thing then do better matchmaking to find people with the level similar to yours another thing in the base the mission can only start only the team leader and not anyone then to import saves from ps4 to ps5 and from ps5 to ps4 so as to play together with users ps4 because I as a user ps5 with my data I can not play with users ps4 I have to create a new…

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  8. Drizzt should have a double jump

    Drizzt should have a double jump called Elven agility. He is a dark elf after all and should be able to jump again and do a flip. It would work like Cal in Jedi Fallen Order.

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  9. my character is back to level 1

    my character is back to level 1
    if I run the inventory, the game gets stuck on the image.
    all my items have disappeared ...

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  10. Can't play Mouse issues

    I was playing Dark Alliance. I do think concentrating on the disconnection issues should be the priority. Buuuut Please give us the option to turn off mouse acceleration/deceleration on PC. The game is borderline unplayable when you cannot effectively predict how far/much the character will turn. I honestly don't think you had a true mouse and keyboard player test the game. I showed to my gaming group hoping to get them buy and group up. All of them are fans of the source material. To-a-man they said it controlled like trash when you're in the middle of a fight.

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  11. The Chef

    When fighting the chef, the hit box for his skewer is entirely too wide. After dodging behind him as he threw the skewer, it still hooked me and pulled me to the front of him. Also, I would be right around 3 or 4 (relative) feet outside of his jab and still manage to get hit. Please fix.

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  12. Desequilíbrio

    Há um grande desequilíbrio e discrepância entre os danos recebidos e causados nos desafios 4, 5 e 6 contra jogador, um grande handicap que desmerece, causa antipatia pelo jogo, dando a impressão que se trata de um jogo sujo da empresa para forçar multiplayer, isso é irritante, causa ódio e nojo do jogo. Se não querer ver o jogo fracassar corrijam imediatamente esse gesto desonesto que desmerece o game play, aumante o desafio de forma justa e honesta como deve ser em qualquer rpg, para se que possa fazer desafios maior que 4 sozinho, tem jogadores que não gostam de…

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  13. Danos desequilibrado apartir do desafio 4.

    Os danos que sofremos dos npcs do desafio 4 em diante estão em excesso prejudicando a evolução do game play e atrapalhando a imersão do jogo, drops precisam ser melhorados, estão com a qualidade baixa.

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  14. Dying or falling sound when falling off a cliff or falling off the jump etc.

    Dying or falling sound when falling off a cliff or falling off the jump etc.

    Can we have a falling and dying sound whenever player falls off into a pit or off the cliff?

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  15. I did not get the Preorder skins

    I did not get the Deluxe preorder skins for the game. How can I get these?

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  16. Look sensitivities should default- standard to 65-70 and above, their default is currently too low according to many players

    Look sensitivities should default- standard to 65-70 and above, their default is currently too low according to many players.

    Newer players may not automatically change it to a higher sensitivity. Some like it at around 80. I found 65-75 to be quite nice.

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  17. Suggestions

    -The combat tutorial could be vastly improved by making it more understandable / less frustrating. The instructions being placed at the bottom of the screen and occasionally disappearing was very annoying. Additionally, during the tutorial section where you need to use your "ultimate" ability, the cooldown should be greatly reduced. Otherwise, if you activated the ultimate earlier, you had to wait for a minute or two before it could recharge and you could proceed.

    -Directional combat needs work. For example, if the camera is aiming at a creature but the character model is slightly facing away, the character will not…

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