Dark Alliance Bugs & Suggestions/Feedback
201 results found
Indie companies with 3 employees manage to put out better games, better/faster patches, and still manage to communicate with the community beyond the most vaguely garbage patch notes I've ever read. The devs behind this game should be extremely embarrassed with themselves. Wotc really dropped the ball by giving this title to a studio that clearly were in way over their heads.
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To help improve the game!!! Please upvote so it can be seen by developers??!?
Hi,posting feedback to help improve the game if you like what you see please upvote this so the developers at Wizard can see this as well!!
1- Appearance, Options are Extremely limited and need to be handle fast, I love the look of the Necro set but I see no need for it set bonus! So add a function where we can dismantle or send the gear we like to a npc who then can allow us to have this option in are appearances, cause like to play while looking great! This would help your player base feel like there
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Font size and HUD size issues
The font is incredibly small and hard to read, especially in the menu, the objectives on the HUD, and the lore objects/bios in the notebook. Please add some sort of option to adjust this so I can play without straining my eyes or sitting right next to the TV.
Also, the upper-right corner of the HUD where my objectives are hangs off the screen and gets cut off. It's not normally an issue, unless there are optional objectives and I can't see how many Dwarven Mugs I have to gather or how many weapons racks/supply carts I have to destroy.…
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Suggestion - Combat Feedback
I apologize for the length of this, but I have found this issue needlessly frustrating and I knew this was going to be too long for the general feedback page. As this is something that generally belongs there, if this is ignored I will not take offense. I just want to get this out there; though a reply would be appreciated.
In this game, there are some major issues with user input (at least with controllers, I am not using mouse and keyboard, though I would bet the issues I'll lay out are the same). As far as I can…
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Let me start off by saying (I am no professional btw) I do enjoy the game, and I like the overall frame or structure and intention of the game. I would just like to include things I think need work and what I'd personally would like to see. #1 the delay between hitting the select and start/pause button is very noticable and unlikable. There is delay when trying to access the menus from both the select button and start button. It is tolerable but I believe it'd be rather likeable for a responsive and non-delaying reaction between these inputs. #2…
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Suggestion - Adjust Dodge Timings
Hello. First off I just want to say that I am a big fan of D&D, specifically the Legend of Drizzt timeline.
I purchased the deluxe edition of Dark Alliance. I knew coming into the game that it definitely wouldn't be like the older models of Dark Alliance. I purchased the game for PS4. I have encountered a considerable amount of lag and freezing. The pause button take anywhere between 2-3 seconds to register offline. And for combat, though I love the direction you all have taken. The dodging is a little frustrating. I would expect to be able to…
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More cutscenes of the heroes in action
Pre and post mission cutscenes of the actual heroes in action should improve the flow of the story considerably. As opposed to simple narrations, and villain only cutscenes.
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knockdown recovery
Playing as Cattie-Bri mostly. When I'm knocked down, the time for me to stand back up/recover takes a seemingly long time. Such that, a single enemy can get multiple hits on. It's a practical wipe once she's on the ground since there is no invulnerability once on the ground. Enemies even have time to walk up to her and strike. A particular cult enemy, the standard melee ones have a long-*** jump attack that'll knock her down. Is there a skill or button timing to get back up faster? Cause I'm about done with this game because of how ******…
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Equipment score feels meaningless.
Even 500+ equipment score over the recommended for the higher levels still leaves enemies as absolute damage sponges but any one of them can 1-hit you.
I can understand the difficulty scaling up in the higher tier modes but it feels like there's a massive disconnect between equipment score and capability. I've swapped some gear around to have a near identical equipment score and suddenly been MUCH better off.
I guess what I'm saying is that, creating builds with equipment in this game is fun, but the representation of the build's power/effectivness could do with some work.
Otherwise, having a…
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Favorite equipment option
Would love an addition to the game where you can tag equipment pieces as favorites, making them unable to be sold while tagged, and easily viewable in the inventory menus. This would be a huge QOL improvement when sorting through what to keep and what to sell off.
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Drizzt input
Need to make the final moves (dark hands, well of darkness)you buy for Drizzt a different input. Once you buy them it replaces gloom splash and other moves with long cast time moves that really mess up his entire chain. It makes it where i cant utilize gloom splash. It really screws up my chains. The moves also seem counter intuitive to the way hes played and very clumsy to use in any situation for him. Any time I accidentally cast it i get killed.
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More Defensive options
I (Drizzt) was playing the game with my friend (Catti-bre) on Xbox and relatively enjoying it, despite the glitches. However I always end up getting hit by an attack that i cleaely dodged. Ground pounds should be jumped over, right? But no, they always hit unless you spam dodge and hope it doesn't count you as hit. It got to the point when fighting The Chef boss, I just ran into him, did as much damage as possible before dying in 1 hit, while my friend stood back, unharmed and knocking him back long enough for me to do it…
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can't change movement controls
When I first started up the game on PC to change my controls (I prefer to play with ESDF instead of WASD) I noticed that I couldn't change the standard controls. It would be great if the player were able to choose their own movement keys
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Feedback on Xbox gameplay
First, let me start with I am really enjoying the game and I am glad you pushed Wizards to let your team make the game you wanted to make.
On Xbox the online matchmaking could use some tweaks. When I join an online game and complete the act it always seems to drop me back to the main screen and says, "you have been disconnected". This happens on my Series X and on my Series S. It would be nice to have the choice to stay with your current party and continue on to the next mission, so you don't…
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Cross progression PC/Consoles
Hi, please add cross progression. I belive this is one of the important modern features which every modern game should have. I started to play on Xbox but im mainly PC players as all my friends play on PC. Now i can't play with them without starting from beginning. Cross progression between PC and console is important especially when game is added to game pass. Please consider this request.
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Mid-mission saving and rewards
Hello! I have found two aspects of this game that could use some consideration. The lack of mid-mission saving is troublesome. Some of these missions are quite long. I would assume most players getting into this game are adults reliving the dark alliance series. Sometimes we just want to get some game in, but don’t have enough time for a whole mission. Please consider adding mid-mission saving. Possibly add a notice when reentering the game, if the player would like to continue their mission or go to camp.
This leads to the next point. If returning to camp mid-mission, there…
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Saves not Syncing over Cloud
My saved game is not synced between Xbox S|S and my Windows PC. Tried relaunching the game in XBOX and then on Windows version, but no luck. My Windows PC saved game is outdated (1 character level 2), where on XBOX my 1st character level 12, and second character level 3.
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Not being able to freely switch camera during attack disrupting my enjoyment of the game
Not being able to freely switch camera and let my character move to specific direction during attack animation is disrupting my enjoyment, most hack and slash game allow some sort of movement during attack animation so they can target any enemy in the vicinity, this game locking you out of it until at least the attack animation finishes, this isnt really an issue with class that has higher attack speed such as Drizzt, but with Barbarian, you will be attacked a lot more often from enemy that slightly isnt in front of you due to the game not allowing you…
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Verbeeg Ground Pound needs and AOE Range Indicator
We get an area indicator for goblin archer volleys and duergar sapper bombs and Akar Kessel's spells, but the verbeeg punches the ground and I die instantly despite being 15 feet away. Can we please have a visual indicator of the range this attack affects?
I also think it's ridiculous how heat-seeking and powerful the verbeeg's spear jab is. I dodge out of the way, but it follow me, clips me, and instantly kills me sometimes. If it's a direct hit, then I should be dead, but a glancing blow should do less damage.
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?