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Dark Alliance Bugs & Suggestions/Feedback

1. I encountered this issue on [INSERT PLATFORM HERE]
2. I was playing [WITH FRIENDS/ALONE]
3. I was playing as [INSERT HERO NAME HERE]

Describe what you were doing before the issue happened.

Describe the problem you encountered.

Expected Result:
What you expected would happen instead.

831 results found

  1. “You must fully install…”

    1. I encountered this issue on PlayStation 5
    2. I was playing alone
    3. I was playing as Dritzz
    4. As seen in the picture, we complete the first group of levels and cannot play the rest. It’s just locked out completely. And we HAVE fully installed, and reinstalled a few times after deleting to see if it fixes it. We have the expensive edition, physically.
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  2. level progress

    1. i encountered this issue on xbox series x
    2. playing WITH FRIENDS
    3. i was playing as BRUENOR

    Steps: playing the goblin’s shard

    Result: i will reach level 7 or so, but once a game is over and i’m back in the main area, i’m back at level 1. i also get set back on my level progress, i’ve completed the goblin’s shard 2 or 3 times now but it still says i’ve only done one level. it also continues to completely randomize my stats, any upgrades i make get removed and then my stats get randomly changed.

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  3. Stuck in mission after completion

    I was playing on Windows 10, with friends (I was host). I was playing as Catti-brie, one other party member playing Bruenor.

    We completed the mission and went through the screen that shows player ratings and then will return you to Kelvin's Cairn. After then choosing to return, it loaded me into the end of the mission, and then left me there. I saw my other party member despawn (and know he went back to camp) and then received the error "Cannot find friend session" (even though I was host!) and was stuck in the end of the mission. Going…

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  4. Aiming down sights

    Whilst ADS as Cattie-Brie, if you move backwards during firing, you would exit ADS and perform an unlockable combo. This move also reduces your max stamina, and is downright annoying.

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  5. I don't recieve legendary loot

    I have played for about 40 hours with 3 of the 4 characters. I have received 1 piece of legendary loot amongst all of those. I have played with 8 different people at different times. Every time I coop at least once a level someone (not me) receives a piece of legendary gear. Doesn't make statistical sense. I have played more than most people I know. I don't even have 1 piece of legendary gear for each of my toons. One of the players I have played with has a full legendary set. :(

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  6. Screen tearing

    1) This problem is on PS4 base console
    2) I was playing alone offline
    3) This problem occurs constantly with all heroes
    4) I don't know much about coding but this games visuals are out of sync on the top half of the screen with the bottom. It's hard to look at and makes me very dizzy and sick during high action portions of the game.

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  7. Consumable chests need to give to all equipped consumables

    Consumable chests need to give to all equipped consumables

    Equipping more consumables then just healing is pointless considering you will NEVER get any healing due to the fact that when you open consumable chests, you get a RANDOM consumable from the consumables you have equipped. This really needs to be changed to giving to all equipped consumables for it to work with more than one consumable equipped, let alone four.

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  8. Bookworm trophy bug platform 5

    This bookworm trophy on PlayStation 5 is buggy at 00.00% no one has gotten it yet because apparently many have complained that this trophy is buggy try to fix this trophy bug.

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  9. blocked inventory, playing in PC xbox live

    I was doing a mission with a friend, when I returned to camp my inventory slots had been erased, now I can't interact with it, I can't equip weapon, ring or necklace

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  10. Attribute and Leveling bugs on PS4

    Two game breaking issues.

    Drizzt level 18 - Bugged Dex reporting 27 should be 20, Actually lowers crit chance down to 23% instead of raising.

    Catti-brie level 5. Can't level online even after completing missions she stays level 5, still receive loot and money but no leveling. Offline still able to level but can't level with friends.

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  11. I feel like I am playing a game in early Beta stages

    Don't get me wrong, I love the game. I have been waiting for a game to come out about Drizzt Do'Urden for nearly 2 decades! That being said, the game is wildly glitchy and could have probably stood to wait a few months to reach perfection before being thrown on the shelves. I am playing the PS4 version.

    One thing I have just encountered is enemy health bars randomly not wanting to show up. I know that there is an option for them not to show up at all, but I do not have that selected. I even went to…

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  12. Leveling up

    I am running into an issue with leveling up on PC/Steam

    It occurs online AND offline

    I was playing as the dwarf

    I played through the 2nd and 3rd chapters (And Acts) and Was earning XP, But when returning to the HUB My level wouldn't move, as if I never played a match.
    But I still kept all the items, crystals, and the 1 attribute I collected. I just never leveled up and its effecting my gameplay due to me being lvl 10 for 2 whole chapters. and should be level 20 by now. And not being able to upgrade…

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  13. You Have Been Disconnected, after playthrough in groups

    On xbox one x. Any time we play with friends we run the whole dudgeon and after completion we all get disconnected, we lose all gear and xp.

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  14. Redo the skill trees and create more distinct build options.

    Moves should be broke up into different trees to allow for more build specifications.

    Example, Cattie seems to be all over the place. She needs to be a melee, ranged, and support all at once per mission.

    Breaking up the skills and feats that enable cattie to be more of an upclose fighter using more combos, a ranged bow user who uses more ranged bow skills, or a support using more crowd control or her healing abilities.

    This I think would add more depth to the game and make better user of the gear sets and future sets.

    Doing the…

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  15. Trollslayer Achievement

    1. I encountered this issue on XBOX AND PC
    2. I was playing ALONE
    3. I was playing as ALL CHARACTERS
    4. The achievement don't properly unlock after killing the different kind of Elite Trolls

    Finished my fourth run, one with each character, and still no achievement. Did the maps in this order to kill the necessary trolls:
    Designs of the Duergar - Elite Acid Troll guaranteed in one of objectives maybe get a Elite Red Troll too.
    Floating City - Red and Green Trolls, almost every time one of both types spawned as elite.
    Ghosts of the…

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  16. camera locks

    1. I encountered this issue on steam
    2. I was playing friends
    3. I was playing as Cattie Brie
    4. Ding fixes it not to bad in multiplayer

    locking on targets and shooting

    The camera will not turn around, this has happened 2 times to me, I no longer use lock on target it has not happened since.

    Expected Result:
    camera should be able to look in the direction I want

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  17. Attributes mixed up, some over the CAP

    I encountered this issue on PC
    I was playing alone
    I was playing as Brunenor Battlehammer

    When i reached lvl 18 i found out that attributes changed, some even over the cap.

    In particular, I reached the cap for STR and CON (20, 20).
    Now I read STR 28 (?!) and CON 14.

    I expect the attributes to stay the same as before, and for sure not to go over the cap

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  18. Bug Report(XBOX one) Characters not receiving XP after returning to camp

    Multiple characters will not level up in multiplayer. After completing an act and returning to tally screen it shows experience being awarded to a character. After returning to the camp the character's gear is available in the chest but the game does not recognize the level up and keeps the character at level 1 with no attribute or feat points awarded. XBOX one

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  19. please fix game with improvements of less lag and frame rate drops

    the gameplay lags in combat and cutscenes which can get really bad when u in combat and some times the enimes like teleport 1 minute they were near the edge of something next minute they were near me i really like the game but please fix console stability and maybe make the camera feel more smooth when you move it this is my ps4 experience btw

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  20. Suggestion - Add Oceania Servers

    Are multiplayer servers cloud based amazon servers? Or are they p2p hosted by the player. I'm very certain they're the former and if so could WE PLEASE GET SYDNEY BASED CLOUD SERVERS up and running. GAME IS AWFUL trying to play on 230ms on some south east asian server I imagine.

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