SpellTable needs a mute button
We need a button to must the salty player who play music loud after they lose. Making the lobby private doesn't work for a player who was previously in game and vie had to end multipole lobby's due to loud music

BigGravy#88830 commented
I’ve had this happen on two occasions now where someone joins in using the spectator mode feature to disrupt the game. I had one person say the N-word over and over and over because he was salty and I just had someone join in our game and loudly munch chips to disrupt the game, please disable spectator mode or make it possible for the host to kick the player.
DarkJester89#96877 commented
I'm not sure what function this would serve that "remove player" function wouldn't fix.
I would however adjust this for an audio filter, specifically a sound suppression that cleans up raw audio so you wont background noises, fans, similar to OBS sound suppression filter. It's a real basic video chat software that shouldn't be hard to add in. Good post, maybe just talk to your friends if you are willing to mute them, but not remove them for not being able to control themselves or be obnoxious.