The "Create Game" button on spelltable doesnt work
I am signed into spelltable and I select "Create Game". I enter the appropriate info and click "Create". After a few moments of loading, the game creation screen fails to load and resets.
IDKIfthisworks#51356 commented
can confirm, i dont think this is localised. Probably boils down to someone pushing a reset button. who knows how long that'll take.........
SuckerPunchSally#50923 commented
In the chrome console, the network request which failed did so with a 502 http code.
THEBENWA#79051 commented
Can confirm I am able to reproduce this issue
Narmoriel#94109 commented
Can also confirm I'm experiencing this issue
Syed Iylia#06665 commented
me too, im also experiencing this issue
Lads_4_dabs_2020#61948 commented
I am also experiencing this issue
Lads_4_dabs_2020#61948 commented
1. the create game button does not function, nothing happens when it is pressed.
2. MacOS big sur
3. chrome
4. no error message -
Felipe#45815 commented
Same here! I'm trying to create also a Public Game and it doesn't work
Felipe#45815 commented
I'm also experiencing this issue!
TBS Jared#78257 commented
Two confirmed users here unable to start new games.
Nhblack43#40686 commented
Create game option will not load a new game. It keeps reloading the create game window whenever you click create game.
chesswhiz#32048 commented
I am also experiencing this issue
CSDood#15992 commented
The lobbies on Spelltable are down to 8, there are no new lobbies being posted. two of my friends are also trying to make lobbies and experiencing the same problem. This is not a "cookie" or browser issue. Please look into this. Anytime a lobby is attempted to be made it will attempt to load and then reset to show the options of cancel or create again.
CSDood#15992 commented
no matter the browser i click the create game option, iv cleared all cash and had that as the only window open, the game creator says loading for a bit then nothing happenes and the create / cancel options reappear. there are no games under my games.