The algorithm used to choose random opponents is in dire need to a fix. In the month of October, it seems that I won only 8% of my games (to include a 18-game losing streak in ranked play). I have no doubts that you can look at my match history over the past month. I would like someone to take a honest look at what's going on and give an honest answer as to why the win rate is so low. I know I'm not alone here.
The algorithm used to choose random opponents is in dire need to a fix. In the month of October, it seems that I won only 8% of my games (to include a 18-game losing streak in ranked play). I have no doubts that you can look at my match history over the past month. I would like someone to take a honest look at what's going on and give an honest answer as to why the win rate is so low. I know I'm not alone here.