Yes! Scute Swarm is obviously broken. I basically just concede as soon as it hits the field now because unless you run ever-ready removal instants - and I run them but not THAT many - you have to hope or search for a board wipe in VERY few turns if you want to stand any chance at all. It gets completely un-manageable almost immediately. Very un-fun to play against. I feel much of green is un-fun to play against and many green cards are unbalanced as they give far, FAR higher culminative numbers than any other color. But Scute Swarm is the nastiest offender imo, I'm glad I'm not the only one.
Yes! Scute Swarm is obviously broken. I basically just concede as soon as it hits the field now because unless you run ever-ready removal instants - and I run them but not THAT many - you have to hope or search for a board wipe in VERY few turns if you want to stand any chance at all. It gets completely un-manageable almost immediately. Very un-fun to play against. I feel much of green is un-fun to play against and many green cards are unbalanced as they give far, FAR higher culminative numbers than any other color. But Scute Swarm is the nastiest offender imo, I'm glad I'm not the only one.