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network error - unable to get collection
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499 votesAn error occurred while saving the comment DragonSpanker#85480 supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment DragonSpanker#85480 commented
Same problem since 3 November 2022 patch. I am tired of this game having minor or major connection problems 10 months out of 12. Always a bug or conenction issue; fix your servers and optimize for non-US clients...
Earn a new deck stuck at 0:00:00
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Magic The Gathering Arena Screenshot 2021.09.18 - 2802 KB -
Magic The Gathering Arena Screenshot 2021.09.18 - 3793 KB -
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2,245 votesAn error occurred while saving the comment DragonSpanker#85480 commented
2022.13 Kamigawa patch note suggests "Fixed a bug that could cause Color Challenge quests to get stuck at 0:00:00" but it did not get any fix. It is as bugged as how it was past 6 months.
An error occurred while saving the comment DragonSpanker#85480 commented
You devs and support team still playing the three monkeys about this issue? A dev team who doesn't have control on their own game and a support team who can't support their players.. You are at bottom of gaming industry, literally pathetic.
An error occurred while saving the comment DragonSpanker#85480 commented
whoever is paying wages of this trash support team; you wasting your money. they are so incapable they cant even reply tickets.
An error occurred while saving the comment DragonSpanker#85480 commented
Been almost 4 months, this is probably the most reported bug since then and real serious one for who are affected by it. It simply does not let you play the game properly without cards and decks, what kinda worse bug it has to be so you decide to fix this ****?? Yet they deny to fix this. Horrible dev team, horrible company.
An error occurred while saving the comment DragonSpanker#85480 commented
been almost 3 months, incapable company.
An error occurred while saving the comment DragonSpanker#85480 commented
After waiting over 3 weeks for support team to answer my ticket, i received a general explanation of what "Color Challenge" is and nothing about the problem itself like there is not any screenshot showing the problem or i did not explain the situation. My ticket was also marked as "solved" while i received no help or explanation about the issue. This is absurd.
An error occurred while saving the comment DragonSpanker#85480 commented
This issue has not been fixed yet and i really don't feel like you people moving your fingers to fix it. After next week we won't even be able to get these decks and cards because new decks will arrive and no sir, as a new player i won't pay money to get those cards that i could get for free just because you can't fix your major bugs for weeks and i will lose all my willing to continue playing Arena for sure-before i could really start playing actually due to this bug and not having decent cards and decks. We talking about hundreds of cards here. You have great support team btw -as shown in the attachment- , even support team of 10 years old crap game i play respond in 12 to 24 hours everytime i need support. Been 11 days and still no answer and i've sent this ticket almost one week after this bug occured...
An error occurred while saving the comment DragonSpanker#85480 commented
Same issue and as a new player i am bored of your slow customer service. Could play only few days and got 4-5 decks before fail update hit. I am really bored to continue playing bcs no decks=no cards=no fun. Been 9 days since i sent ticket about it and there is not even a support team handling requests as it seems. Also in 10 days rotation will come and we wont be able to complete our decks if this issue wont get fixed in time as i got. So time is running out guys, TIC TAC TIC TAC.
DragonSpanker#85480 supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment DragonSpanker#85480 commented
have exact same issue since fail update 4 days ago and i thought it will be fixed with today's update but neither my login issue (that is not fixed without setting my timezone to utc) nor getting new duo-color deck reward have been fixed.
After +1 week of this problem it was fine for 2 days. Today finished 3rd match without any sign of problem and when it was loading to go back to main menu again this error. Now i again keep getting this error and can't login. So you did nothing to fix it and server was fixed by coincidence for 2 days. I don't know how you manage to mess already working server.. It's wether your server is very badly optimized or you doing it on purpose and limiting access of certain zones to keep server available for US players. If it's the second scenerio pay some money and get yourself extra server(s) !