lost all 3 draft matches in a row due to getting land, well you know. 1st game 4 land hand with all 3 colors needed. drew into 6 lands. game 2, 2 land hand but I can manage for 3 draws until I need a land. pulled 7 lands, what? this just happened last game! Next game 3 have 4 lands only need a green. top land color is green so chances are good. never drew another land the entire game. although I did get all green creatures and spells. what a joke. 1 game you can live with it. 2 games, totally sucks but 3 matches in a row. somethings going on. plus I slightly think it triggers more often when you spend gems to draft.
lost all 3 draft matches in a row due to getting land, well you know. 1st game 4 land hand with all 3 colors needed. drew into 6 lands. game 2, 2 land hand but I can manage for 3 draws until I need a land. pulled 7 lands, what? this just happened last game! Next game 3 have 4 lands only need a green. top land color is green so chances are good. never drew another land the entire game. although I did get all green creatures and spells. what a joke. 1 game you can live with it. 2 games, totally sucks but 3 matches in a row. somethings going on. plus I slightly think it triggers more often when you spend gems to draft.