land drawing
I so tired with this land drawing system. for now, around 1 on 3 game I usually draw 4 at 6 land on a row. Even with deck that purge land. Please do something to rationalize this behaviour, it is a shame ...

Rulerzac#16162 commented
Very Bad random land drops, 7 in opening hand or 0 until Mulligan to 4
This **** its in every expansion new relase
LouisLopez#21357 commented
I had 11 lands out of 16 cards. Even drew an extra 3 off of Insatiable Avarice - all lands.
FmonoRed#99375 commented
This is not ok, not RNG, not fun or competitive. Drawing 5-7 lands in a row every few matches just doesn't make sense. It's been like this for YEARS! This deck has 21 lands. I drew 15 of them in the first <30 cards including opening hand. THIS IS the reason I stopped playing Arena almost 2yrs ago. It'll be the same reason I stop again. Especially considering ALL my friends quit for the same reason. Poor excuse for RNG. I'll stick to paper thx.
Diavol#57722 commented
Land rule should be changed for sure. It is dumb when almost 50% of the cards in the deck are lands but you can't draw even 1 of them for 5-6 turns in a row. It would be much better to place lands in separate deck and draw cards from it or non-land deck by your choice.
Drexar#36137 commented
In Premier LCI draft I'm getting only one color from my deck for all games in the run. Natural randomization is better than forced land flood and landless draws when you have to pay to get into a draft. This makes it a lotto to win 7 instead of being a game of skill. Please fix this!!!
Vhailor#16296 commented
Hear, hear. Feel like the amount of land cards we get is based on opponent's deck to compensate, but for crying out loud, when they slowplay it, play lands all the time and nothing else but planeswalkers and removal spells. Because of their deck, your deck is being affected heavily. If they heap out lands like no tomorrow, so do you at the expense of everything else.
Asinann#94917 commented
The land draw in this game is completely unrealistic. It's either no lands or all lands. I keep losing games because I draw nothing but land. Turn 4, I started the game with 2 lands and I have 6 now. By turn 8 I have 10 lands and 0 playable cards, then I will draw a SINGLE playable card before I start drawing land again.
The deck has 20 land in it.
Photon_mass#22311 commented
I agree. I cannot play the game. Endless cycling through and concessions. I just ended a game because all I ever drew was land. I only have 20 in a 60 deck. OR I draw only three lands and never any more. I am starting to think that this algorithm in the deal is how they scam players into spending cash. I bet if I made a purchase I would see completely different deals.
Peeves#34234 commented
Agree. The last 2/6 games all I getting is land. Nothing else.
Darklegionaire#71449 commented
Just lost two draft matches in a row where my my land draws were rediculously skewed, first one I saw 7 land in 11 cards with only 16 lands in my deck in total and second I saw 7 land in my first 12 cards both hands I started with 4 land in my opening hand.
The biggest problem is that while this may be statistical on my end because the opening hands have been smoothed the chances my opponent mulligans or starts with a below average hand is lower and so makes it a guaranteed loss if they don't also draw nothing but land which when I was 2-0 before losing 3 in a row feels **** when I've paid gold to play.
psngreengremlin#56318 commented
lost all 3 draft matches in a row due to getting land, well you know. 1st game 4 land hand with all 3 colors needed. drew into 6 lands. game 2, 2 land hand but I can manage for 3 draws until I need a land. pulled 7 lands, what? this just happened last game! Next game 3 have 4 lands only need a green. top land color is green so chances are good. never drew another land the entire game. although I did get all green creatures and spells. what a joke. 1 game you can live with it. 2 games, totally sucks but 3 matches in a row. somethings going on. plus I slightly think it triggers more often when you spend gems to draft.