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1 result found
Scute Swarm Gamebreaking
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341 votesAn error occurred while saving the comment TheMavric#69695 supported this idea ·
PC (Windows 11)
Playing a normal game, used Scute Swarm to create MANY tokens of itself (was over the 6 land requirements for copying) and the game froze at the end of a timer after trying to create more than 187 copies. Frozen isn't quite accurate, things on the play-field are still moving, but I cannot cast anything. As Scute Swarmdouble every land played and I had 2 maxed out Druid Class cards so I played 3 lands per tern obtained by using Wrenn and Seven's +1 ability to put more in my hand.
Attached is the log, screenshot, and above is the version number.
This used to be hyper slow in the older version, but would still work.