Scute Swarm Gamebreaking
I see no one posted this, but its a bug people are abusing hard even in Play Queue, the combo of making 700 "Scute Swarm" tokens making the opponent timeout or even lag out of the game, instead of the caster being the one timing out, giving free wins by breaking the game, luckily i had ''Peer Into the Abyss + Underworld Dreams'' and a high end PC that left me with 3-5 seconds before timing out and ended up winning even when opponent was spamming emotes thinking he timed me out while game was also lagging hard, this needs a FIX ASAP.
I had to cut the video a lot to try and make it fit here, and i couldn't fit it apparently video evidence is not welcome here, i have the full video of what happened if support needs it, i hope Reddit and Twitter is full of videos reporting this soon. If you are playing this deck you are doing it intentionally to get wins by breaking the game, and this should be punished.
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Goatllama#50447 commented
I’d like to note that closing the client has never worked for me. And what a garbage solution that is, anyhow.
iaerez#55535 commented
It’s 2024 now and this is still happening.
Playing on an IPhone 13 and whenever the opponent puts 10+ scute storm triggers on the board my game crashes and I get booted out of the game. Once I restart the game I’m timed out and recieve an automatic loss.
This is ridiculous. After 5 + tokens are on the board simply condense the triggers into one and show that the scute insects increased by 10 115 etc.
how has this bug still not been fixed? -
Morgon#62421 commented
Scute Swarm must either be wholly banned from all modes (preferable), or reprinted to be MUCH more expensive AND also changed so that only non-token creatures have the duplication effect.
Eamon555#56298 commented
Totally skipped my turn and timed me out based on opponents triggers. He hit a fetch land, his triggers stacked, and suddenly his creatures were attacking me, even though my screen was still showing his triggers resolving, and I never got a main phase at all.
Also, continually chewed through my timeouts, even though I was never presented with any actions to take.
ptownazkikr#76497 commented
So my opponent had a big board of a few scute swarms, and attacked with them. I blocked and killed their world shaper, and they reanimated a few lands. They then put 1,520 scute swarm triggers on the stack, and I clicked resolve all. The game chugged taking a few minutes to resolve the stack, and for some reason burning my rope all the way.
Waiting for triggers that one player controls to resolve should not use the other player's clock.
It took so long that the game fast forwarded through their end step, my upkeep and draw steps, and I immediately lost on my main phase 1 from timing out.
So yeah. My recommendation is that when a player has clicked resolve all, that their clock not be ticked down during that time, especially when they do not control any of the triggers currently on the stack. That would pretty succinctly handle the situation.
Dameon Geppetto#78715 commented
Just had the game lock up and go to draw on me against a scute swarm combo that made 368 new tokens. I probably was about to lose, so it is a bonus for me, but this card should be removed if it can be exploited to break the game.
Greenwolf1224#64459 commented
There is a systematic flaw with the triggers of Scute swarms. I have made a deck with Risen Reef, Maskwood Nexus, and Scute Swarm triggers as my wincon to draw the entire deck out and then play a Thassa's Oracle. However, these triggers take such a long time (even though I am not holding up the game or doing anything) that it forces me to skip my turn and doesn't allow me to play Thassa's Oracle after the Scute triggers stop and thus forces a game loss to me the next turn when I draw even though I would have won with Thassa's Oracle that turn. Please let us either skip through the triggers faster, or don't start the time out timer when its just going through the stack and I physically cannot let it resolve or make it go any faster. This bug has literally turned my game win condition into a game loss condition and it's making me very frustrated as I was very excited to craft this deck.
GoodGoodSauceBoy#10481 commented
Same thing happened to me, but they also abused etb life gain triggers from anointed cleric, and others
Heron Greyjoy#90189 commented
Lag and ended up timing out and losing even though it was the triggers that took so much time to load. Doesn't make any sense and WoTC should either ban scute swarm or fix the massive token lag
Nameless_1#49361 commented
As a side note it's pretty funny to watch scute swarm become 140000 single 1/1 tokens, all one at a time with 4 impassioned oraters(cards that heal per creature added to the field). It takes so long that most opponents will concede to you
Nameless_1#49361 commented
Scute swarm in an of itself is a problem. The ability to in one turn create 72k bug tokens is insane. Not what I'm here for though. The game in and of itself is far too needy for a card like this to exist. And if we're being frank it's impossible to use the card seeing as it literaly grows exponentially based on your land(combine azusa, and the ancient greenwarden if you really want big numbers). It causes the game to lag and shut down. A recommendation from me(someone who understands next to nothing about coding) would be to reduce the animations themselves(or at the very least offer a dumbed down version of the game for slower operating systems). Or to not count scute swarm(and mass token generation) as single stack numbers. Simply add them to the field at once and give the option for the opposing player to use a spell to delete them(if possible). It takes(and I mean this literaly) several hours for the game to render that many single actions. Not to mention the lag created from so many individual tokens.
Goatllama#50447 commented
Just here to chime in as well. I had absolutely NO actions to take, yet my timeouts were used up (probably about a thousand triggers from my opponent) and I lost the game? Is this for effing real?
LegitDrew#77213 commented
Just had the same probelem in my previous game, was using Yarok and Ashaya so every creature became a land, plus having Inkeeper. I ended up quitting since it wouldn't resolve all triggers and kept the warning in the game's view.
p00pal00t#71494 commented
Hi Yall
I play the game on mobile.
My deck uses the card scute swarm, which makes a token if a land comes into play. if there are six lands it makes an exact copy of itself.
I use a deck that can trigger that ability over 1000 times in a turn, combined with prosperous innkeeper and toxrill or meathook we get to some thousand events. The game elaborates every event (every copy; every hp gained; every hp lost from ability) taking around 1 second (not counting the calculus to get to the amount of events).
With that i time out and lose the game. That is a problem for my deck, is there a way to skip the elaboration or to group it so i can stop losing? 5 or more minutes are needed for the game to elaborate right now on average.
Thank you,
Pietro -
7thseal#71437 commented
I had someone running a harmonic prodigy deck. They started running their triggers after I played a doomskar with a “consider” when I went to Devins veto the Consider, I couldn’t access it on the stack. This caused me to lose when the timeouts ran through. The image is the cards that weee available to them at the time on the turn before
Jexy1#81550 commented
Mine did the same. The Scute Swarm should not count as a time penalty for either player. I played it just recently with the Ancient Greenwarden and and a prosperous Innkeeper. Ended up loosing me the game because it took too long to create all the bugs and give me life. I should loose a game for playing by the rules.
Caestus#02646 commented
The game auto-skips my turn whenever there is a huge abundance of scute swarm triggers. There is no need for every single token to be counted. After an initial base, just add the numbers up and mark them on the battlefield.
I should not have lost when I had a commanding lead. Either fix the scute swarm trigger or cancel the auto-turn-skip when every single token is being counted.
geekycatlady#02180 commented
How is it that when someone creates these insect tokens, I click on "resolve" IN TIME, the game seriously creates those 2000-something tokens, I not only lose my time extentions, but also the game due to the game taking forever to actually create them? I am playing on a high-end PC with fast internet, and I did respond immediately. so .... WTF?
The board had 3 Lotus Cobras, a bunch of Druid Classes, Wrenn, and Cultivator Colossos (nothing significant on my side and I I could have taken no actions whatsoever that would cause any kind of delay).
I am sorry, but I just wasted 15 minutes of my life to this nonsense.
ChardeeMacDenis#27551 commented
1: scute swarm crashes when I make plus 100 tokens
2: play on iPhone XR plus (12)
3: the animation is what does it… there is no need for it just show a number and let’s go
4: the game is better without the crashing, why over at wotc do you insist on keeping game crashing mechanics up and runningI see others complaining it crashes their game or forces a turn loss due to the animation and yet it’s still there…please fix, allow the players to play without stupid crashes due to functions of your app that do not add to gameplay
TheMavric#69695 commented
PC (Windows 11)
Playing a normal game, used Scute Swarm to create MANY tokens of itself (was over the 6 land requirements for copying) and the game froze at the end of a timer after trying to create more than 187 copies. Frozen isn't quite accurate, things on the play-field are still moving, but I cannot cast anything. As Scute Swarmdouble every land played and I had 2 maxed out Druid Class cards so I played 3 lands per tern obtained by using Wrenn and Seven's +1 ability to put more in my hand.
Attached is the log, screenshot, and above is the version number.
This used to be hyper slow in the older version, but would still work.