The past few days I noticed a massive discrepancy in turn order. As I started counting 9 of 11 games I played I was on the draw. Bad coin flips I thought. Now every day since I've still gotten insanely bad turn order and so I started conceding games in casual just to test how many times I got 1st vs 2nd. 13 draws 0 plays. That's not variance, it's rigging.
The past few days I noticed a massive discrepancy in turn order. As I started counting 9 of 11 games I played I was on the draw. Bad coin flips I thought. Now every day since I've still gotten insanely bad turn order and so I started conceding games in casual just to test how many times I got 1st vs 2nd. 13 draws 0 plays. That's not variance, it's rigging.