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Example: Shivan Dragon doesn’t work

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  1. Summarize the problem
  2. List the steps you took that led to the problem
  3. What was the result that happened when you followed those steps
  4. What was the result you expected to happen when you followed those steps

Example: The life tracker didn’t track my life.

  1. Open the life tracker and start a game
  2. Try to remove or add life to my life total
  3. Actual: my life total didn’t change
  4. Expected: my life total goes up or down

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4. Whether re-starting the application and attempting the steps again solved the problem

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419 results found

  1. Removing an event

    Could we get a way to remove an evnt that you already played or if you join a wrong event. Because you used a wrong code or something.
    So your'e homescreen is not full of events that have passed or are not playing in. Some disapear but some stay

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  2. Advance Search Soft Lock

    UI won’t let me click advance search because the new screen selector at the bottom covers up the button

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  3. DMU Doesn't Display if Standard is Checked

    I might be missing something but when I use advanced search and filter for standard, none of the cards from Dominatia United are popping up. Any info would be greatly appreciated. I just updated the app so that shouldn’t be the issue. Thanks

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  4. Error

    I didn't join event.
    Warning message happened.
    What is this?

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  5. Unable to Install

    I sure could use some technical help to get this little bastard to work. And looking at the information provided in the play store, it seems to be lacking anything remotely of that sort.
    Since you guys have forced lgs to use this by punishing them if they do not, I do rather need to get it installed if I ever want to play in an event again.

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  6. Events that fail to stay are not removed from queue

    If an event never starts (for whatever reason, on this case the organizer lost the sign up sheet) it stays on the list indefinitely and cannot be removed. Couples with the lack of dates for on demand events, it's confusing.
    I saw in a previous response that they will auto remove after 28 days, but that's a month, or 4 FNM events (for example) where you'll have a zombie event cluttering your app.

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  7. 1 vote

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  8. in the same pod, when I draft with my sons at an lgs we are always in the same pod beside each other & often play one another. We hate this

    Don’t automatically put us together in the same pod or make us play one another every time. Don’t know if the issue is caused by registering at the same time or alphabetically

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  9. Ban flags as card sleeves

    There are card sleeves with flags as decoration. I think in the actual situation it would be a good statement of Wizzards of the coast to ban every flag card sleeve. Magic is not a political game. I would not like to see anymore flag sleeves. Not now, not in the future. Thank you very much for your attention.

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  10. BUG: Card searches/queries not showing all cards.

    Been doing various searches the last few days, and noticing that not every card for a search query is pulling up. Example, search "Enters battlefield token" + Creature + Legendary + Includes: R. Breya doesn't show up on that list. Neither does anything before the letter G, as well as some various other cards.

    Been seeing odd things missing in searches of various things the last few days when searching the exact same query on Scryfall.

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  11. 1 vote

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  12. Host ending event early

    How is it okay for an event organizer to end events early without asking anyone? Our store The Wizards Chest in Denver CO decided to end after 3 rounds and offered no reason. This effected my ranking and my prize, they offered nothing in return

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  13. settings

    please offer any kind of settings to "slim down" the app for older phones, it keeps crashing and lagging and not displaying things fully (only halfway slides in) and requires to be restarted for just about any match. I'd even take just white font on black color if only it would properly work then.

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  14. Estaria bien que se pudieran consultar los resultados de los torneos

    Estaria bien que se pudieran consultar los resultados de los torneos

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  15. Some cards cant be found if filtered by their format

    Cards like for example Sanctifier (as shown on the attached file) dont come up while doing a card search if filtered by MODERN format. This shouldnt happen as the card is modern legal

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  16. End Match Confirmation

    At the end of the match, I didn't receive a notification after my opponent entered our score for the round. There was no confirmation that what they entered was correct. I thought there was supposed to be a two way authentication process.

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  17. das spiel schmiert regelmäßig ab

    es gibt unzählige updates, die ewig brauchen und danach schmiert dass spiel nur um so häufiger ab oder andere fehler treten auf
    (das ist schon seit monaten so!!!), deshalb,
    scheist die nutzlosen volldeppen, die für die spiel wartung verantwortlich sind einfach raus und ersetzt sie durch affen, dass resultat wäre wohl das selbe (das spiel läuft nicht normal!!) nur billiger in sachen bezahlung

    das ist mein voller ernst arschtritt, rausschmeisen und jm. einstellen der es kan!!!!

    mfg tobias grabner

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  18. Double bye

    Avoir un deuxième bye dans la soirée quand on est 9 est pas très sympa de la part du logiciel.

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  19. Host options as guest not available

    It’s not possible to adjust the tournament options when hosting as guest.
    When clicking on hosting as guest you can enter players. But going back to adjust the options it jumps to the host start page. Dead loop.

    Still an issue with the newest app on iOS as of 4th October 2020.

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