Constantly crashes/difficult UI for TO
I have a lot of problems with this app crashing whenever I touch an option such as end event or drop players. I also have some issues with navigating the UI to find where those options even were. The top right drop down menu changing when you open an event is not intuitive and there needs to be easier ways to add players if you’ve accidentally started the event (had this happen multiple times when I was manually entering names but it wasn’t registering since I didn’t hit “done”). All in all pretty frustrating for a tournament organizer and when the easiest thing to do is start over from the beginning. I feel like the main home screen needs options on your event list so you can swipe them over and drop/end events easier. I have a cluttered screen full of events I can’t end cause this app keeps crashing
Hi, are you using the Companion app to run sanctioned Wizards Play Network (WPN) events? If so, please make sure to use the EventLink website for those events; Companion is the player portion of the event management tools suite.