Companion Feedback
Welcome to the Magic: The Gathering Companion Feedback Page
To Report a Bug or Provide Feedback
Before reporting a bug, check to see if it has already been reported. In the Issue Title below search for specific key terms from your issue.
Example: Shivan Dragon (Note: Partial words won’t show up, so use “Shivan” instead of “Shiv.”)
If your issue has been reported already, simply click the vote button to show us you’ve experienced that issue as well. If you feel you have additional information that could be helpful to us in tracking down the issue please feel free to add it.
If your bug has not been reported, please do so now! Update the Issue Title to reflect the problem you’ve encountered.
Example: Shivan Dragon doesn’t work
Choose the Category that describes your problem.
Describing the problem in the following fashion helps make clear what happened and allows us to investigate the issue faster.
- Summarize the problem
- List the steps you took that led to the problem
- What was the result that happened when you followed those steps
- What was the result you expected to happen when you followed those steps
Example: The life tracker didn’t track my life.
- Open the life tracker and start a game
- Try to remove or add life to my life total
- Actual: my life total didn’t change
- Expected: my life total goes up or down
You can provide additional information that can also help us conclude an investigation quickly. Great information to include:
11 results found
set number of rounds
There needs to be a way to set the number of rounds for an event.
9 votesIs this for a friendly event managed using Companion or an in-store event managed on the Wizards EventLink software?
Card database
The card database on the app I downloaded will not give any results when searching for a specific sub type (ie Dragon) even when using the advanced search
5 votes -
Quotations when searching
I tried searching for "search your library for a card" but it returned resulted that didn't have that exact quote. I think it searched without the quotation marks.
4 votesWere you on Android or iOS? And what was the specific search? Did you use “Advanced Search,” then “Rules Text,” then add your specific search term?
Giving wrong text for card.
The advanced search was set to creature, exactly red, and Limited Edition Alpha. Each card I looked at had the oracle text for dragon whelp. I don’t know if this is and issue for others, but this is for me. (I’m on an iPhone if that helps)
2 votesThat is a weird one, but it’s working correct for our testers. Can you clarify some details? What iOS version are you using? What is the type of iPhone? And what is the version of the Magic Companion app you’re using?
"App forgot password"
Make the app remember my password better. I have to use Forgot Password nearly every week
3 votes -
Constantly crashes/difficult UI for TO
I have a lot of problems with this app crashing whenever I touch an option such as end event or drop players. I also have some issues with navigating the UI to find where those options even were. The top right drop down menu changing when you open an event is not intuitive and there needs to be easier ways to add players if you’ve accidentally started the event (had this happen multiple times when I was manually entering names but it wasn’t registering since I didn’t hit “done”). All in all pretty frustrating for a tournament organizer and when…
4 votesHi, are you using the Companion app to run sanctioned Wizards Play Network (WPN) events? If so, please make sure to use the EventLink website for those events; Companion is the player portion of the event management tools suite.
Application Splash Slow to Start
You're just trying to show me text pairings. Why does this thing need to take 30 seconds to launch when I click a round notification? It's more efficient to just pester the TO for a pairing sheet.
1 voteHi, sorry you experienced that issue! To help us track down what might be causing that, can you provide some additional details:
-What operating system is your device? (Android/iOS)
-What type of device are you using? make/model
-What version of the Companion app are you using? -
Dropped from event
I have been dropped from the event I'm trying to participate in and now I can't collect any winnings as I m not on the event anymore
2 votesCan you clarify what type of event this was? Was it at a store? Was it a friendly event run on the Companion app at a friend’s home?
Database Doesn't Show Triomes when Searching by Color
Good Morning MTG Staff,
I am just emailing concerning the app, love it by the way. I just noticed some issues. I noticed that when you search up lands and put what color mana you do or do not want in the rules text the lands double faced lands, the ones with spells on the other side instead of the land, do not show up. The spells that transform/flip to lands do though. Also when I searched up desert with restrictions on what colors and can and cannot produce it still showed all of them. Last one, I noticed the…1 vote -
Pairings Disappear
Pairings disappear on opening the application, meaning I frequently have to ask the TO who and where I'm playing.
1 vote -
Error tournament
Not saw the players points above10 points. Not see the first number
1 voteCan you clarify some details? What OS are you on? (iOS or Android). What type of device are you using? And what is the version of the Magic Companion app you’re using?
- Don't see your idea?