Commander color identity search
It would be handy to search for cards using color identity for Commander.

Broken-token#57417 commented
EDIT: Did not see Bill’s comment when I posted this.
——To put it a different way, the “color” section in Advanced Search has options for “Include/Exclude/Exactly”, but I wouldn’t find Golos if looking for all 5 colors.
Having the Color option have an option for both Color OR Color Identity means that I could use the feature to find a commander or cards that I could use within a deck for them. Being that some multi-color commanders also don’t use all of the colors within the deck, being able to have an option for finding cards other than searching by exclusion of colors (which doesn’t account for color identity anyway), it would significantly move it up the list of card-sorting options.
We have plans to roll this out as the Card Database open access progresses! Thanks for the feedback.