Database Doesn't Show Triomes when Searching by Color
Good Morning MTG Staff,
I am just emailing concerning the app, love it by the way. I just noticed some issues. I noticed that when you search up lands and put what color mana you do or do not want in the rules text the lands double faced lands, the ones with spells on the other side instead of the land, do not show up. The spells that transform/flip to lands do though. Also when I searched up desert with restrictions on what colors and can and cannot produce it still showed all of them. Last one, I noticed the Triomes do not show up when search for lands and specifying what colors you do or do not what. I do not know if I am just typing in something wrong or not and just in case I wanted to bring it to your attention. I know and can take awhile to fix bugs. Like I said though I love the app and those are the only issues I have seen this far. Thank you for the wonderful app.
Thanks for this feedback! So we can better track this down can you clarify the search you're doing? Answer these questions would help:
-Is it Simple or Advanced?
-Which fields are filled out?
-With what data are the fields filled?For example:
Advanced search
Rules text IS blue
Rules test IS white
Card Type IS Land