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  1. Scute Swarm Gamebreaking

    341 votes
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    Grimpoppet#80598 commented  · 

    Recently joined MTG Arena, was not aware of the previous issues with Time Outs. I am unsure if this is a continuation of the same, previously reported issue, or if those issues have been resolved, and this is a re-emergence of the bug.

    In the previous Glitch: Scute Swarm Triggers stack up to such an extent that they use up the player's time outs, only to then burn up the opposing player's TOs, and then skip their turn.
    Note: I have noticed that with excessive Scute Swarm stacks, they seem to resolve at a faster pace, which I assume was implemented to avoid this issue.

    The bug that I ran into:
    I had a large number of Scute Swarms out, along with an Impassioned Orator. Rather than quickly resolving the Scute Triggers, an Orator Trigger would be added to the stack after each resolution, resolve itself, and then move to the next Scute Trigger. This kept the increased pace of trigger resolution from occuring (I assume, because new triggers were being added to the stack, and because they were not identical trigger resolutions consecutively) - so the pace at which the stack finished was incredibly slow.

    This did cause my opponent to lose their turn, and I conceded the game after I realized what happened - but I am scared to play the deck any further, for fear of being accused of exploiting a game bug (other than Scute Swarm)

    Grimpoppet#80598 supported this idea  · 
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    Grimpoppet#80598 commented  · 

    Hello - I came to report the same issue.
    In my case, I was playing Scute Swarm, and it was my opponent who lost his timeouts due to my triggers.
    (The triggers took particularly long to resolve, as I had a Impassioned Orator in play).
    I conceded the game when I saw the glitch cost him his turn, but now I'm scared to play the deck, as I dont want to be accused of exploiting a bug.

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