I enjoy playing MTGA but my God it feels rigged some times. I lose a few matchs in a row and then when I change decks its seems to put me up aganst decks that a designed to either nullify and undermine the mechanic I have chosen or happens to play at the speeds that put my deck at a disavantage in termes of play speed. I switch it up again and boom puts me up aganst a deck that is clearly designed to undermine the new deck I have chosen.
I enjoy playing MTGA but my God it feels rigged some times. I lose a few matchs in a row and then when I change decks its seems to put me up aganst decks that a designed to either nullify and undermine the mechanic I have chosen or happens to play at the speeds that put my deck at a disavantage in termes of play speed. I switch it up again and boom puts me up aganst a deck that is clearly designed to undermine the new deck I have chosen.