My feedback
6 results found
5 votes
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739 votes
Kvetchnik87#80832 supported this idea ·
Unable to choose second pack: Jumpstart: Jump In!
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291 votesKvetchnik87#80832 supported this idea ·
220 votes
Kvetchnik87#80832 supported this idea ·
277 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Kvetchnik87#80832 commented
I have exactly the same problem. This is the 10:th connectivity problem I've had where I couldn't log in and the status page claims everything works perfectly. LIES!!!
I've sent in several tickets over the months, but the connection errors just comes back. I NEVER have any problems with other games, it's always Arena having these issues. Sometimes I haven't been able to play for days. It just keeps coming back, again and again, and I see so many people having the same issues. It drives me insane. I've tried EVERYTHING, several times. All the hints and tips and advice I've gotten when I've contacted support. 9/10 times. nothing helps. I just waste hours trying the fixes over and over again. It's ridicolous. I'm pretty close to just giving up on Arena, it's a cesspool of bugs and connectivity issues and they never do anything about it. They will fix one thing but the next patch, the problem just comes back and affects hundreds of users again and again and again and again and again... I'm so sick of it I could scream. I just want to play magic, why does these issues come back again and again and how many bloody times do I have to continue to send in bug reports and tickets before Arena aknowledges this and does something about it? This is probably the 20:th time I do everything in my power to try to resolve this issue, I'm so sick of it I could vomit. Nothing helps and the support is awful.
Kvetchnik87#80832 supported this idea ·
Black screen on match start
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4,648 votesAn error occurred while saving the comment Kvetchnik87#80832 commented
Can't start the game AT ALL. Having problems logging in to the forums too (finally managed to do it though). I'm not getting any error messages when I try to login to my Arena account on the client, nothing happens. It's infuriating that your arena server status is claiming the game has "degraded performance" when the client won't even start.
Wizards, you need to take a good look at the client. There are constant problems and issues: people can't log in, crashing, people get stuck in "updating" loops, the game won't start... It feels worse than it was in Beta. You're constantly putting out updates and patches and there are issues almost every time. Less updates and patches and more stability please. Don't change the formats around and update the shop 2 times every week, try to not make changes more than once a month and keep more formats open all the time so the game is more stable and we don't need to update as often, because every time you put something out, there are new (or old) issues.
Having to pay for another draft is already penalty enough. In a real tournament, if you chooes to do another draft you aren't penalized for not winning anything in the previous draft so this is an over-compensation for something that isn't much of a problem in the first place. I think it is EXTREMLY rare that people retire from a draft and re-do a draft just because their deck is bad. A good player will do better with the cards given to him (so to speak) and will have more wins anyway in playing out the matches where their deck might not be the best.
This ONLY affects the rank anyway, there are no other consequences in any other tournament structure on Arena today, so it isn't even very relevant in the first place. Therefore I'm against this suggestion.