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2 results found
Unable to sideboard or rejoin game
sideboarding.png 1689 KB -
mtgacrash2.jpg 383 KB -
mtga crash.jpg 734 KB -
Game where sideboarded out shock and dragonfire.PNG 3918 KB -
Log20200502_164552.log 30 KB -
Capture.PNG 1877 KB -
Untitled.png 2680 KB -
ArenaBug.JPG 202 KB -
Log20200425_154800.log 52 KB -
MTGA failure bug.png 3001 KB -
Screenshot.PNG 1290 KB -
Log20200425_094122.log 8 KB -
sideboardbug.png 2017 KB -
MTGA Bug.PNG 2104 KB -
Log20200424_232621.log 12 KB -
Bug.JPG 268 KB -
bug.png 967 KB -
Log20200425_111219.log 455 KB -
Capture.PNG 2239 KB -
sideboard.png 2662 KB -
Glitch in MTG Arena 4-23.png 2791 KB -
MTGA 24_04_2020 6_58_44 AM.png 2908 KB -
YeIXL2o[1].jpg 393 KB -
Log20200419_204500.log 4059 KB -
Log20200419_221848.log 5467 KB -
Log20200419_175450.log 136 KB -
Log20200419_180450.log 5233 KB
376 votesKrazeeEyezKilla#25748 supported this idea ·
37 votes
KrazeeEyezKilla#25748 supported this idea ·
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Same issue for me as well yesterday. Tried uninstall/reinstall to ensure there wasn't something strange going on. This happened for me with both Yorian and Kergua decks. I use the untapped plugin which showed my sideboarding correctly.
Then a game with Bant Yoiran, I had sided in Dovin's Veto and didn't see it in the list with a Tamio activation. Sadness.