Can't Sideboard
Sideboarding with Keruga has no effect.
Btw games 1 and 2, and 2 and 3, I switch cards btw my sideboard and main deck like normal. Cards I sideboarded out get drawn, cards I sided in are never seen. This is happening in ranked and in traditional standard events.

Hhh of Br#33127 commented
I have the Same problem
Myriad#39961 commented
Played Jund sac with jeganther in the sideboard which whenever I tried to side in (removing bolas's citadel from the main deck) would cause this issue.
Pleijpje#35870 commented
Sideboarding worked with my lurus deck
Pleijpje#35870 commented
Same here, Bo3 unplayable, playing Keruga deck, is this related, is there a workaround?
dawn.clad.lion#53447 commented
Same. Cant sideboard while Kaheera is my companion. Im not sure if companion is the issue but thats the deck that encountered this issue. After 5 games of not being able to sideboard, i reinstalled Arena. I was able to sideboard for one game, then the problem returned. Pls fix
KrazeeEyezKilla#25748 commented
Same issue for me as well yesterday. Tried uninstall/reinstall to ensure there wasn't something strange going on. This happened for me with both Yorian and Kergua decks. I use the untapped plugin which showed my sideboarding correctly.
Then a game with Bant Yoiran, I had sided in Dovin's Veto and didn't see it in the list with a Tamio activation. Sadness.
xDest#69108 commented
I have the same issue with a Umori, the Collector deck. Maybe it is generally related to having a companion?
There is also an issue when having played, for example Traditional Standard ranked, and changing the deck after. If the deck is not double-clicked before hitting the "Play" button again, the updates are not live.
woody0486#36851 commented
Is this related to Keruga as your companion, and you are trying to add CMC < 3 cards? I see the same bug.
DreamCrusher#24063 commented
same thing is happening to me, i thought I was going crazy but then realised its a bug
d3stinct1on#04055 commented
I am experiencing the same issue. I will side cards out and still draw them G2 and when boarding again for G3, it shows that I submitted my G1 configuration of the deck.