Inclusive, Exclusive, Highest & Lowest Rarity Searches
It would be incredibly valuable for formats that care about Rarity for Magic Companion to include settings to search Rarity inclusively or exclusively, and to filter search results by Highest and Lowest Rarity.
An inclusive search is done by looking for any printing of a card that matches the search criteria. If Card A has been printed at Common, Uncommon and Rare, and you do an inclusive search for Uncommon cards, then Card A will appear in the search results because at least one of its printings matches the criteria. This is like how Pauper currently cares about Rarity.
An exclusive search only returns items which exclusively match the search criteria and no others. For example, Card A, which has been printed at Common, Uncommon and Rare, would not show up in a search for Uncommon cards because it has not been printed at that Rarity exclusively. Card B, which has never been printed at any Rarity other than Uncommon, would show up in the results of an exclusive search for Uncommon cards.
The last request is for an option which lets you filter results by the Highest Rarity ever printed for a card and the Lowest Rarity ever printed for a card.
For example, if you search for cards with a certain criterion (say, Flying) and ask for the results to be filtered to show only the Lowest Rarity the results have ever been released at, it will return Cards A, B and C, which all have Flying, but it will show only the Common printing of Card A, not its other, higher rarity printings. Card C, which has been printed at Uncommon and Rare, will only be displayed at Uncommon on the search results list, not Rare. Card B will be displayed as Uncommon because that's its only Rarity in all its printings.
Filtering by Highest Rarity would be the inverse. It would display Cards A and C as Rare, their highest printings, and Card B as Uncommon, its highest, and only, Rarity.
So, filter by Lowest Rarity would display those three cards as a Common and two Uncommons. Filter by Highest Rarity would display those same three cards as an Uncommon and two Rares.
These Rarity search features would be absolutely invaluable for any format which cares about Rarity as a determining factor in deck construction and it would immediately set Magic Companion head and shoulders above any other card database app.
Many thanks to the Customer Service team for slogging through all of this and thanks to the Dev team for their hard work making an app which can really improve the player experience!