Unable to find Standard Tournaments
I am so **** sick of seeing commander, and the people that play it are closed off not friendly, and I am talking about 5 different states but also 16 different cities. I used to play Standard type 2 tournies. However I was diagnosed with stomach cancer, this made it hard for me to play. After 13 years and a final prognosis of 8 months left. I chose to give me entire collection to a friend. I ended up cured of the cancer and a year ago my son started playing with got me excited. I tried to reach out to my friend to get some of my collection back, found out he died and his wife sold my collection for 200 and a yard sale, I had 6 judge cradles 8 foil grim monoliths black Lotus, all boxes including diamond. All GONE. :( I WANT TO PLAY STANDARD, I am a very competitive person and LOVE MAGIC THE GATHERING THANK YOU. BRING STANDARD BACK PLEASE!