Dark Alliance Bugs & Suggestions/Feedback
501 results found
Lost gear
- Encountered this Issue on Xbox 1
- i was playing with My friend, and it happened twice (once to him, and once to me)
- i was playing as CATTI-BRIE
- i was playing with him and we did many missions, randomly on mission completion he would be kicked from the session and when he loaded into his own instance he had lost ALL of his gear, ALL his crystals, ALL his money, and all upgrades to usuable and abilities. that was about a week ago. Tonight (2021-07-03 12:40AM) i attempted to load into the game and was not able to access the…
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Lore objects fix please
With the newest patch i was heavily disappointed. Please fix the lore objects trophy/achievement. It's the last thing i need to complete the game. I know completing a game might not be important to you, but think of the players
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Player kicking during campaign do not provide you with game ended loot
So I’m in the middle of a campaign with 3 other randoms on the PS4, we were in the middle of the campaign fighting the bosses , I initiated the fight sequence and I guess the leader didn’t like that I started the boss fight and proceeded to kick me out . I’m ok with it because they seem like they were trying to do other things . Now my problem is this I obtain loot and money . Where is it I went to my cashe in based I didn’t receive anything. So I spent 20-30 min dungeon crawling…
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Movement & Attacks
I encountered this bug on the PS4 on a solo game as Wulfgar. In several battles, I found that the movement and attack buttons do not respond at times. For example, when battling Hagador, the toon would not roll away no matter how many times I pressed the button.
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Movement Issues
Dear Customer Service, i want to report a problem. From the beginning (since release) i habe a major control problem. It is not possible to control my toon in normal way, because the control is hooky. No one of my friends have the same problem. I installed the game allready new, but the problem is still there. Further bugs like a still standing toon or loading times like hell are permanently happend. Pls could you help me out? Because i would like to perfer to play the gane and not only to watch by my friends.
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blocked inventory, playing in PC xbox live
I was doing a mission with a friend, when I returned to camp my inventory slots had been erased, now I can't interact with it, I can't equip weapon, ring or necklace
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Leveling up
I am running into an issue with leveling up on PC/Steam
It occurs online AND offline
I was playing as the dwarf
I played through the 2nd and 3rd chapters (And Acts) and Was earning XP, But when returning to the HUB My level wouldn't move, as if I never played a match.
But I still kept all the items, crystals, and the 1 attribute I collected. I just never leveled up and its effecting my gameplay due to me being lvl 10 for 2 whole chapters. and should be level 20 by now. And not being able to upgrade…2 votes -
Unable to collect quest items
- I encountered this issue on Xbox Series X
- I was playing Friends (one time with a full party, 2 other times with a party of 3)
- I was playing as Drizzit
- We have tried: (1) Doing a party kill (2) Advancing to another checkpoint and choosing Short Rest (3) Having members disconnect from the party (4) Restarting the mission completely (and losing everything) (5) Spamming Collect around the object (6) Spamming Insert at item insertion point. (7) Attacking the collection item (8) running all the way back to the beginning of the level as a party (9) Having the party…
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On my Xbox series X I am stuck in the offline part, it will not let me connect to other players or select and online server at all
I was playing on my Xbox series x and I’m stuck in offline mode, it will not do anything when you select to play online, my friends have the original Xbox one and they can link no problems it’s frustrating please help
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Trollslayer Achievement
1. I encountered this issue on XBOX AND PC
2. I was playing ALONE
3. I was playing as ALL CHARACTERS
4. The achievement don't properly unlock after killing the different kind of Elite TrollsSteps:
Finished my fourth run, one with each character, and still no achievement. Did the maps in this order to kill the necessary trolls:
Designs of the Duergar - Elite Acid Troll guaranteed in one of objectives maybe get a Elite Red Troll too.
Floating City - Red and Green Trolls, almost every time one of both types spawned as elite.
Ghosts of the…2 votes -
No rewards after completing a mission( players get stuck in mission or loot screen)
Platform :ps4 ( game session invite only or friends only)
Players: Cattie Brie , Bruenor and Drizzt
Problem: after completing a mission some players get stuck in the mission or in loot menu preventing them from getting the rewards .
Workaround: we found a workaround , if at least a player get ported back to the Kelvin's Cairn , the remaining players who are trapped in the dungeon or loot screen can either join this player by accessing join session in playstation menu or getting a fresh new party invite from party management. Most of the times it works but…
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sync of blows
I encountered this issue on Xbox One
I was playing With Friends
I was playing as all heros
during the battles I have had a lot of blow sync problems.
I make the command and the blow does not come out or another command comes out.
an example, with the dwarf with his guard up and pressing the "X+A" buttons he should do a group buff, but sometimes he just stomps, and this happens several times.2 votes -
Character position locked
- I encountered this issue on Steam
- I was playing in co-op, but still in the lobby
- I was playing as Brunor
- I started testing the Moves that my character can do, Rolling Boulder and Lunging Axe, when I realized I couldn't move. To be more correct, the game object of my character couldn't change the x,y,z position. When I jumped, my feet would not touch the ground because of the animation, but I wasn't going up and down. Since the input system is bugged, it could be that I triggered this bug using another Move. I was attacking the dummy…
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You have been disconnected
1. I encountered this issue on 06/27/2021.
2. I was playing Solo and attempting to play online in Quick Play. I then could not start or join any Custom Game matches.
3. I was playing as I continued to have the same issue with every available character.
4. I attempted restarting the game multiple times, as well as restarting my console. I tried to join an online match as well as tried to start one. The issue. Nothing would work the issue persisted.Steps: Describe what you were doing before the issue happened.
- I had just loaded into…2 votes -
items are gone
All my items except the axe are gone and i can't equip new items.
Basically the item slot are gone.2 votes -
Camera stuck horizontally
1. I encountered this issue on PS4
2. I was playing [ALONE]
3. I was playing as Cattie Brie
4. Horizontal camera stopped responding to R3 joystick. After restarting program it worked again, but I lost all progress.Steps:
I was playing act 2 (first mission/campaign), and killing a troll after an elevator.Result:
Describe the problem you encountered: the camera froze and I could only see in 1 horizontal direction, making game unplayable. R3 worked to change camera angle vertically, but not horizontally.Expected Result:
What you expected would happen instead: R3 should always change the camera angle.…2 votes -
Enemy attacks hit more players than the animation shows it should
This is most notable with Hagedorn, but it is not solely this boss that has this issue, he's just the clearest example I can give.
When fighting Hagedorn he has a laser-beam kind of attack that is about 0.5 meters in diameter and shoots in a straight line. When playing multiplayer, not always, but often enough, Hagedorn will do this attack and even though me and the buddy playing with me are 90 degrees apart from each other in relation to the boss' view, and are about 20 meters from that boss and each other, we both get nuked by…
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AI not responding
- I encountered this issue on Xbox One
- I was playing alone
- I was playing as Catti-Brie
- When encountering enemies, walking away from them causes them to retreat to their starting position, but their health doesn’t reset. You can kill enemies as catty-brie without anyone getting close to you, because this bug resets them. You can choose to position yourself badly and take damage, but in my opinion that breaks the point of being a ranged character. To use your skills to kite the opponent.
Please either make the health reset to maximum or have the enemies chase you. I really…
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Bruenor Battlerager Bug
- I encountered this issue on PC
- I was playing ALONE
- I was playing as Bruenor
- Remove Battlerager Set / Weapon
Equip 5 pieces of Battlerager armor and a Legendary Frost Resistance Axe with Condition/Elemental Pen. and Cold damageResult:
Damage will reflect on self on many attacks, or is guaranteed to do so when using WhirlwindExpected Result:
That I wouldn't kill myself instead of the enemies.Attached mp4 is a video of the bug.
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ability, loot and xp bug
I was playing Drizzt with two of my friends on steam. I did not have access to any healing potions, or could use abilities. I thought this was just a simple bug, but when I finished the first level I had not received any credit for it, gear, money, xp or crystals. It was very annoying to put that much time and nothing to happen. The game is fun but this issue is discouraging as the others.
2 votes
- Don't see your idea?