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Dark Alliance Bugs & Suggestions/Feedback

1. I encountered this issue on [INSERT PLATFORM HERE]
2. I was playing [WITH FRIENDS/ALONE]
3. I was playing as [INSERT HERO NAME HERE]

Describe what you were doing before the issue happened.

Describe the problem you encountered.

Expected Result:
What you expected would happen instead.

501 results found

  1. "You Have Been Disconnected."

    I can play the game solo, but when I try to do Quick Play or host/join a custom lobby to play co-op, it takes me through multiple loading screens and sends me back to the main menu with a message stating "you have been disconnected."

    I have uninstalled and re-installed the game twice, tried multiple hosts, and even reset my modem and router.

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  2. Just bought Dark Alliance and it is clearly not ready for release

    Fix the bugs and atrocious game mechanics, or start offering refunds. Taking my money for a game with this many obvious problems damages the brand of every company involved.

    Feedback for devs…

    Enemy AI Problem

    Enemy AI does not aggro or take initiative in attacking the player.They stand there staring at the player.

    Enemy aggro radius of AI is very small and ranged attacks does not make the AI aggressive as AI does not have a code to handle range attacks.

    Enemy AI can be killed from out of aggro range using ranged attacks.

    All Enemy AI can be ignored…

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  3. The action interaction is really laggy (I'm playing offline), it makes the game almost unbearable for action game players.

    I really love your graphics and ideas, but, this laggy between action is really hurting the game. On top of that, I believe players should be able to cancel their current action by pressing block, else parray becomes...useless if I do say so myself (this may also happen due to the laggy-button press experience).

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  4. Stuck in Offline Mode

    My game is stuck on offline mode. Whenever I try to change the session, nothing happens when I try to switch to custom mode or even quick play. I only got this game so that I can play with my friends and if I can’t do that, I’m going to get a refund.

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  5. Delay on Attacks

    Sometimes I'll be standing in front of an enemy, a barrel, or a crystal formation clicking attack and my character will do nothing. This has happened repeatedly on multiple missions and on every character. There are times where I'll try to attack an enemy and my character will be unresponsive and do absolutely nothing.

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  6. Game Does not allow Me to Play Coop, Keeps Disconnecting

    Hello Devs, I have encountered an Issue with the game, It does not allow me to play Multiplayer Coop through Internet connection. I tried Public Sessions and Quick Match Sessions but the game just loads the loading screen 3 times after the loading bar is filled and finally disconnects, giving me a disconnect message and throwing me back to the Main Menu.

    1. I encountered this Issue On PC Windows 10, Steam Purchase
    2. I was playing Alone
    3. I was playing as Bruenor
    4. The game just does not allow me to connect to a proper Multiplayer session.
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  7. Unresponsive/Laggy AI

    The AI is very unresponsive/laggy. Many times i am standing in front of a mob for even 6-7 seconds , without the mob reacting to me at all. This thing is kinda better in offline mode, where the average response times of the mobs is about 3-5 seconds. Due to that, all the mobs' attacks/action seem pretty "disconnected" from what the characters are doing, thus lowering the whole experience of the game.

    1. I encountered this issue on PC
    2. I was playing with friends AND alone
    3. I was playing as Cattie-Brie

    This thing also happens to other 3 of my friends…

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  8. Lore not counting when I pick it up and one is stuck in a wall.

    Hello. On the mission “Order of the One Light”, about halfway into the mission there is a collectible lore tablet that is stuck behind a chest. There’s no way to grab it. Also I noticed some of the lore items I would pick up through the game that I know I did have wouldn’t count. There needs to be a counter or something to let players know if they’re missing these pickups in the missions as well to eliminate unnecessary guesswork.

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  9. Lost Game and Skills

    .游戏物品与技能丢失 Lost game items and skills

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  10. Issue with hitbox

    Constantly with other players or going solo before enemy’s have an animation with an attack you get hit before the animation causing you not being able to block or parry which can be very frustrating along with that a heavy attack that knocks enemy’s back super far the enemy goes flying before the animation triggers causing dissatisfaction the last issue I’ve seen is that when you knock an enemy back at a ledge they don’t fall causing your character fall of a ledge trying to attack the enemy which I know lots a of people are finding very frustrating.

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  11. Desync/teleporting enemies/lag. Sporadic enemy AI.

    PC version.
    Playing 2 player co-op online.
    Playing Drizzt (likely irrelevant to this bug)
    Many, many instances of enemies "teleporting" around as if by lag or online desync.
    Example, my character takes damage from an unknown source, then an enemy appears next to me, then they do an attack animation which just did the damage.

    Besides that, the enemy AI seems to have two modes of being : raging berserker, and static vegetable.

    Certain enemies will lash out for high damage in an un-telegraphed way whilst you're combo-ing away and under the impression you have them "staggered", only to keep…

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  12. Cannot create custom game or join quickplay on xbox series X gamepass

    1. I encountered this issue on Xbox series x
    2. I was playing alone
    3. I was playing as Drizzt

    Steps: Attempted to create a custom game or join quickplay.

    Could not join or create quickplay. Hitting either option from main menu or in camp did nothing. Nor did it give an error message.

    Expected Result:
    Be able to host or join quickplay.

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  13. Can’t play CO-OP

    If I try and play online with friends it will bring me to a black screen and then the tips screen fill about quarter of the way then back to the black screen then again to the tips screen and once that’s filled it’ll shoot me back to the main menu and say you have been disconnected.
    1. I experienced this issue on Xbox
    2. I was playing alone
    3. I was playing as Wolfgar
    4. Love the game just wish this was fixed.

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  14. Gamepass/Steam PC crossplay not available

    1. I encountered this issue on gamepass for windows 10 PC
    2. I was trying to play with a friend who bought the game on Steam
    3. NA
    4. None

    I was unable to connect to my friends game, he sent me an invite and it sent me to the Steam store page even though I was running the game through gamepass.

    I had no way of inviting him to my game as it only allowed me to send an invite through the Xbox app. We both got discouraged and left to play something else.

    Expected Result:
    We're both playing on PC…

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  15. You have been disconected

    Every time i try to play this game co-op, my game says: "You have been disconected."

    I saw many people reporting this problem, so i am saying the same.

    Please, answer as fast as you can.

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  16. Unable to get attribute point from a shrine


    I was unable to get an attribute point from a shrine at the order of the one light act II even though it was the first time I activated it. It happened first with Wulfgar, with whom I tried it a few more times to see if I can a different CR but that didn't work so I tried with Drizzt to see if the problem was Wulfgar, but that didn't work either.

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  17. Not awarded attribute points from shrines.

    Hi i believe i have encountered an issue where the shrine bonus attribute point is not being unlocked after activating them. I have found 14 in my playthrough of all 7 quests (always act1 and 2).

    I am playing on PC through Steam; Solo. Game build version: 1.15.63 . I was playing as Bruenor the Dwarf.

    Looking through the game footage i believe it to be the following level/acts:

    • Missing Attribute Point from statue - act 2 Order of the One Light: Order of the One Light (23nd June 2021)

    I believe the following also helps highlight that something is…

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  18. My DLC codes from the PS5 Deluxe Edition are not working.

    When I try to enter my (3) DLC codes from the PS5 Deluxe Edition (Gamestop Exclusive steelbook) in the Sony Playstation Store, it tells me that my codes are invalid.

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  19. No Loot or Level up

    1. Playing on PC Steam
    2. I am playing with friends, group of 3 total
    3. I was playing Drizzt
    4. We did a mission, the first act actually and we finished it. We waited to get brought back to camp and it showed all our loot and level ups. But we returned to camp and it was as if I didn't play the Act. I haven't received any of my loot or level ups when with friends. I tried by myself and I got loot and level ups. It has happened every time I've played with the group. One other member is encountering…
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  20. Combat lags / bugs, wrong hitboxes for huge ennemies

    1. I encountered this issue on PC
    2. I was playing with a friend, me hosting
    3. I was playing as the dwarf
    4. The combats are laggy. The entire game seems great, but as soon as you enter a combat the ennemies are TPing for no reason, hitboxes are innacurate, juste like if we were having huge latency. Only that there is no problem with my internet or my friend's, and we're both having the same issue. When an ennemy hit, he can have a delayed animation or an enormous hitbox, even if you dodge you take the hit, sometimes even when you…
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