My feedback
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11 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Doyleopoyle2020#22267 supported this idea ·
51 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Doyleopoyle2020#22267 commented
Honestly, sometimes I'm flattered that they would get so angry that they rage quit, especially when I use hullbreaker horror. But there are sometimes it gets really annoying because it's wasting my time and it's such a petulant little child reaction to losing. Essentially, you're having a hissy fit if you alt tab out or force close the app on your phone. I always- and I mean always - concede when I assuredly am going to lose. Learn to lose with dignity FR. I understand that not EVERY instance of roping is them trolling me. Sometimes life gets in the way, sometimes the app crashes, lose connection... Etc. but the times when it's obvious are easy to spot. I'm not asking you to help me finish my daily quests so I can get more XP and gold, but come on... How petty can some of you people be that force quit intentionally to make us sit through the extra timeout? I never have an issue losing. It is Part of life. And when I win, I understand that no one can always win. I understand that my hidetsugu and kairi deck is repugnant... It's supposed to punish you for killing my stuff and then get stuff from our graveyards for cheap if not free. It's not the greatest deck or anything, but it's pretty strong and a great deal of times my opponent concedes early. I am grateful for those of you players that actually concede when beaten. Kudos on being a well adjusted human being. But to those of you with stinky diaper crybaby tantrums that intentionally rope to troll people.... You all suck not just at MTG arena, but at life. Every time you look in the mirror it must hurt to see such a miserable wretch staring back. Let that sink in and maybe you'll change, who knows?
Doyleopoyle2020#22267 supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Doyleopoyle2020#22267 commented
Literally almost every time I cast hullbreaker horror, I get roped by my opponent. Maybe don't try to always win a match in 3 minutes.... Some of us like matches to last more than 20 minutes. The roping problem is serious and it's always obvious when it is happening vs when it's just the app crashing or poor Internet connection issues. If you rope, you're a salty crybaby with a diaper full of 💩💩💩
41 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Doyleopoyle2020#22267 commented
I cannot stress this enough, wizards of the coast ... Please do not ban this card. It is fair. You could LITERALLY JUST HAVE HEXPROOF ON YOUR PERMANENTS. Make a Thrun, breaker of silence deck. you could give them shroud, if I return a removal spell to your hand, just cast it again. FFS. Quit crying, there are so many answers. I literally just had MY OWN hullbreaker horror used against me and I thought it was hilarious 🤣🤣🤣
Sore losers IMHO.Doyleopoyle2020#22267 supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Doyleopoyle2020#22267 commented
I really hate to use this expression because it's toxic AF but...git gud. It's not broken. Next y'all are gonna ask to ban opposition agent? Or bolas' citadel? At what point do you accept that you need to think of a different strategy. I don't even complain about those stupid kinnan, bonder prodigy decks.... God, they're all exactly alike and so boring, relying entirely on that combo... Then they whine and moan when they don't get their combo off... And when they DO get that combo off (rarely) they act like it's the greatest deck ever and they are gods of magic the gathering 😂😂 there are plenty of solutions for that card, you just don't think objectively enough. (It is a very powerful card, but let's be honest, so is tegrid, God of fright) it's bad enough y'all got my boy gristlebrand banned. Iona I agree with, that was absolutely bananas, but gristlebrand gristle-cannon was my favorite modern 1st turn win deck ever😂🤣
An error occurred while saving the comment Doyleopoyle2020#22267 commented
Literally you could just cast breach the multiverse and take it from the library. As well as a variety of removal spell there are tons of options you just are not looking at this objectively enough. So that matter there are going to be some combinations of cards in the game of magic the gathering that will put you in an untenable position this is unfortunately the nature of the game. Personally I very much enjoy using hullbreaker. I do not mind having cards used against me either as I'm a well adjusted individual that does not cry when I lose. My friend once had crashing drawbridge out and on 3rd turn cast treasonous ogre, paid 30 life and cast ulamog, the ceaseless hunger, exiling 2 of my 3 lands. I didn't complain, I merely used arcane artisan to sneak jin gitaxias, core augur on his second main phase of his 3rd turn, (the next game) effectively locking him out of the rest of the game. (I drew force of will and pact of netation, there was no way he was winning that game.) My point is, people shouldn't be so salty about things. Just get better at being a good sport in losing and keep working to make your decks better. I have no problem dealing with hullbreaker horror... And the times I cannot do anything to stop it, I merely say "well played." Quit complaining about that card.
If you force exit the app to punish your opponent because they beat you, you are a b*tch. Like, IRL a little crybaby poopoo diaper b*tch. Learn to lose without throwing a temper tantrum, because forcing your opponent to sit through your rope timers is the equivalent of throwing a temper tantrum. You're not funny, you're not cool. No one likes you and that's why you have such reprehensible behavior. Get a grip and grow up, git gud scrub 🤣🤡