Player Timeout punishment
There needs to be some kind of report a player feature or an in game punishment that prohibits this toxic slowplaying mentality that most of the player base seems to have. If you're constantly seeing the rope on your turn for multiple games in a row, then you should start receiving shorter rope times. Do something to make it detrimental for wasting other players time.

Doyleopoyle2020#22267 commented
If you force exit the app to punish your opponent because they beat you, you are a b*tch. Like, IRL a little crybaby poopoo diaper b*tch. Learn to lose without throwing a temper tantrum, because forcing your opponent to sit through your rope timers is the equivalent of throwing a temper tantrum. You're not funny, you're not cool. No one likes you and that's why you have such reprehensible behavior. Get a grip and grow up, git gud scrub 🤣🤡
King#59679 commented
I dislike intentional roping as much as the next guy, HOWEVER, players are allotted time to think and play their cards for a reason. Punishing players for using the time they're given will create an actual toxic environment where folk are reporting anyone that isn't playing as fast as them.
If waiting on your opponent is more than you can tolerate, the simple solution is to not play any card games. Because you're going to be waiting just the same in all of them.
"most of the player base seems to have"
This is an absurd exaggeration. Perhaps once in 4+ hours of play I'll see someone who rage quits and lets their timeouts expire, but I've also gone several days without seeing it once. The vast majority of players are just playing at their natural pace and taking their time to avoid blunders.
the_lopes#74755 commented
Time is a resource. Winning with 4 timeouts is the same as winning with 0!
Buckethead#63332 commented
Almost to the point where I wanna quit bc of roping
WDragon#19883 commented
I just want to remind players that not all time outs are on purpose. first, I regularly get "server not responding" and I have to close and reopen mtga. I don't always get back into the game in time. Also, if you have kids, dogs, or the spouse, sometimes you have to get up from the middle of the game to deal with something. Personally, opponents that use up time outs does not bother me as much as people who concede WAY TOO EARLY.
Oxilon#82927 commented
I agree! This is a huge problem, leads to a toxic community