My feedback
3 results found
Unable to sideboard or rejoin game
sideboarding.png 1689 KB -
mtgacrash2.jpg 383 KB -
mtga crash.jpg 734 KB -
Game where sideboarded out shock and dragonfire.PNG 3918 KB -
Log20200502_164552.log 30 KB -
Capture.PNG 1877 KB -
Untitled.png 2680 KB -
ArenaBug.JPG 202 KB -
Log20200425_154800.log 52 KB -
MTGA failure bug.png 3001 KB -
Screenshot.PNG 1290 KB -
Log20200425_094122.log 8 KB -
sideboardbug.png 2017 KB -
MTGA Bug.PNG 2104 KB -
Log20200424_232621.log 12 KB -
Bug.JPG 268 KB -
bug.png 967 KB -
Log20200425_111219.log 455 KB -
Capture.PNG 2239 KB -
sideboard.png 2662 KB -
Glitch in MTG Arena 4-23.png 2791 KB -
MTGA 24_04_2020 6_58_44 AM.png 2908 KB -
YeIXL2o[1].jpg 393 KB -
Log20200419_204500.log 4059 KB -
Log20200419_221848.log 5467 KB -
Log20200419_175450.log 136 KB -
Log20200419_180450.log 5233 KB
376 votesPelli#12261 supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment Pelli#12261 commented
Is there ant news for the companion bug?
An error occurred while saving the comment Pelli#12261 commented
An error occurred while saving the comment Pelli#12261 commented
after the first bo3 match, he gives me some problems with the companion in the sideboard. I can't use the sideboard and the timer doesn't run.
Log20200521_020312.log 1380 KB -
Log20200521_020312.log 1380 KB -
Log20200510_144708.log 26 KB -
Log20200509_074039.log 53 KB -
bug.png 956 KB -
Log20200503_192629.log 6580 KB -
Captura de pantalla (15).png 1699 KB -
Log20200419_171849.log 347 KB -
Log20200418_163005.log 65 KB -
Log20200418_162824.log 44 KB -
Log20200418_162419.log 22 KB
239 votesPelli#12261 supported this idea ·
Black screen on match start
Log20210129_054116.log 15 KB -
Captura de tela 2020-12-02 001303.png 132 KB -
Captura de tela 2020-12-02 001027.png 325 KB -
Captura de tela 2020-11-28 110832.png 362 KB -
Captura de tela 2020-11-27 175731.png 1842 KB -
UTC_Log - 09-18-2020 01.09.35.log 3 KB -
Log20200915_200105.log 23 KB -
2020-09-02.png 729 KB -
2020-08-31.png 1093 KB -
Log20200817_144311.log 234 KB -
Log20200816_201657.log 514 KB -
Log20200802_193259.log 67 KB -
Log20200704_164317.log 49 KB -
Log20200628_184519.log 39 KB -
IMG-20200625-WA0050[1].jpeg 1196 KB -
Log20200613_090208.log 22 KB -
Log20200525_205540.log 5513 KB -
MTGA 5_18_2020 11_46_12 PM.png 4599 KB -
MTGA 5_18_2020 11_46_05 PM.png 2794 KB -
Log20200514_190318.log 21 KB -
75274D8D-85F9-40BB-AD9F-7F62EA854BE6.jpeg 3317 KB -
Log20200423_223705.log 167 KB -
Log20200422_134718.log 3302 KB -
Log20200422_134053.log 259 KB -
Log20200419_174127.log 244 KB -
Log20200416_213542.log 157 KB -
Log20200413_151647.log 577 KB -
Log20200411_164634.log 486 KB -
20200313_105126.mp4 6224 KB -
Log20200213_113036.log 17729 KB -
Log20200212_191822.log 743 KB -
Black Screen.jpg 14 KB -
erro arena 2.png 203 KB -
erro mtg.png 158 KB -
erro.png 490 KB -
Log20200125_123023.log 653 KB
4,648 votesPelli#12261 supported this idea ·
the same.
Did wizzards communicate anything about it?