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1016 results found

  1. Forced end of turn

    I was just playing a game against a jace that played mana short while I was selecting attackers which instantly ended by turn.

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  2. Crashing

    Game crashed on me a total of 5 times in my last battle. Has happened previously but never so often. If I restart the game, I can usually rejoin but have often lost a turn or taken damage. Now making the game more or less unplayable.

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  3. Gorm the Great Doesn't Get Grudge Match


    I play a ton of this game and have noticed the following two glitches that happen regularly:

    1. Champion's Grit when played with Liliana happens twice. I have attached 3 screenshots to show how powerful it makes these cards with relentless. The shots show Lilianas Goliath, Decaying Ghoul and a Soul Serving Litch coming back waaay to strong after playing this card. It's nice for me, but I think it's an error.

    2. Gorm the Great doesn't always get a grudge match when he damages opponents. I have noticed the 3 times it has happened were when opponents had armour. This…

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  4. Lost game in winning turn

    Game said I was defeated in my final turn as I was attacking. Opponent had 8 health, I believe I was at 16. Opponent played no cards to win. As I was dragging characters in to attack game ended and stated defeat.

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  5. Goblin quest not triggering.

    Have the goblin quest. Have played raging goblin multiple times in my Angrath deck. Counter still sitting at 0.

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  6. Frozen pass/attack/end button

    After casting or choosing creatures to attack, tapping the pass/end/attack button shows a graphic of being tapped but does nothing and reverts to ready state. The only work around I've found is closing the game and restarting, of course this doesn't leave much time to play. The freeze has also happened alot after casting traps. I'm using a samsung s8

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  7. Vraska double finales broke

    I was playing as Vraska and all finales were being doubled then game randomly closed and when I reconnected to the match all finales were no longer being doubled.

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  8. Card from pack not in collection/game

    Just opened a card that I now can't find in my collection or unowned cards. It had a gold glow when opened and from memory was a 3 cost blue card that transformed into a random legendary character each turn it was in your hand. It definitely had sneak and I've looked through all the sneak characters in the game but can't find it.

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  9. Challenge

    I juste did win with Kiora and and i did not receive the credit to complete both challenge on the screenshot linked here.

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  10. 11 votes

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  11. Can't discard tasks

    Sometimes, I cannot discard unwanted tasks. Sometimes all tasks are affected, or sometimes only some. Have not figured out a logic to this, but it is annoying.

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  12. Eldritch tutor

    Audio bug: the sound effect continues after playing (first card on a turn possibly) throughout the game and even continues once back at the menu. The only way to stop it is to completely close the app.

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  13. Purple Flame; Can't Cast Spells

    Hi, I just had a match and there was a purple flame over the card cost and for 3 turns I couldn't summon or cast any cards what does this and how do I get rid of it as was winning til it happened then lost as couldn't do anything.

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  14. Notification Bar Causes Bug


    I'm not sure if it's just mine but a little bug I found is during the intro while a cutscene is going on, if you pull down your notifications bar, the cutscene keeps going but the noise stops, and when you push the bar back up, it catches up the dialogue but during battle. So mine ended up having the cutscene sound play while the planeswalkers were doing their intro too. It was the second cutscene that it happened for me but I'm not sure if it happens any other time.

    It's very fun so far, and I'm definitely…

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  15. Naga Rogue doesn't trigger

    When Naga Rogue does damage to an opponent it's supposed to mill 2, but it doesn't

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  16. Amalgamate freezes play

    Every time I use Amalgamate play freezes after applying the upgrades to my target creature. An error message pops up, then returns to the play. I can move creatures in and out of attack mode, but the game will not allow the opponent block stage. The game will not respond to concede. The only option left is to close the app and reopen.

    Today (June 5) the app opened to the regular start screen. Previously it had given the option to resume or quit the game. Resume takes you back to the frozen game state. Quit game takes you to…

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  17. New card from Booster pack is not in my list of cards

    Used 200 gems to purchase a booster pack. Opened the booster pack and got 6 cards, one of which was an Epic, Virtus the Veiled. I know I have one of these. Go to my list of cards. Click on icon to exchange duplicate cards for crafting gems. Vaguely noticed a lot of Mox Jet but didn't pay too much attention to it. No "New" cards listed (all duplicates). Only 1 Virtus the Veiled. I think the system cashed in my 2nd Virtus for crafting gems (but can't be sure).
    I was expecting a 2nd Virtus the Veiled.
    It would…

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  18. Ral's Animations Take Large Portion of Turn to Complete

    I like Ral, but the animations make taking a turn difficult. Chain lightning and his own ability can lead to losing the ability to cast spells due to time constraints.

    Thanks for a great game!

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  19. Deep forest Arena + Crush of Wurms

    The trigger on deep forest Arena is supposed to be for the first creature summoned.

    Maybe I'm not thinking the triggers correctly, but shouldn't Crush of Wurms trigger first to summon in the copies and then the Arena activated on the original copy?

    As it stands right now, you summon Crush of Wurms, the Arena triggers and then the debut ability triggers giving you 3 x 8 / 8 Wurms with ward.

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  20. Every thing is ****** sins the ******* update think befor u update

    Its not hard to Pach the bugs gliches you lot Just lazy or you Just are broke you get People working On that game ill liked IT when IT dident update but nów IT Had ruend IT like reall bad

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