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Dark Alliance Bugs & Suggestions/Feedback

1. I encountered this issue on [INSERT PLATFORM HERE]
2. I was playing [WITH FRIENDS/ALONE]
3. I was playing as [INSERT HERO NAME HERE]

Describe what you were doing before the issue happened.

Describe the problem you encountered.

Expected Result:
What you expected would happen instead.

212 results found

  1. The Chef

    When fighting the chef, the hit box for his skewer is entirely too wide. After dodging behind him as he threw the skewer, it still hooked me and pulled me to the front of him. Also, I would be right around 3 or 4 (relative) feet outside of his jab and still manage to get hit. Please fix.

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  2. Idea


    I'm on PC

    First : we need a button for join in the mission cause if someone lost the connexion we can't invite him again. That force the restart of the map...

    I need to re invite my friend when he lost the connexion.

    Second : Ad an option that lauch the game online before offline.

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  3. Add a List of Players Looking for Group

    Hey guys, it's the third time in a row the game can't stop loading after a mission..

    I am playing on PS4 and I have huge fps drops latency the open chest or taking gold, opening menu (even in solo)...

    In fight using dodge don't dodge damage

    In fight too, impossible to use execution

    On my first mission I got stuck in nothing and auto jump (attachments)

    This is some of bugs I saw in D&D and iam sure u will improve the game!

    I have a suggestion about co-op, it's hard to found a good group we can only…

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  4. Add a Respec Option

    I have put points in the wrong spots their should be a respec system for this im wondering you guys have not took the initiative to implement I respect system for the attributes

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  5. Allow to diable moves

    1. PC
    2. Coop and alone
    3. Catti-Brie

    While playing as CB. There are two moves that either need a different activation or need the ability to disable moves.

    Rising Kick (tap forward + Light Attack )
    Viper Fang Kick (Tap Backward + Light Attack)

    These are too easy to trigger and often interrupt other attacks. While doing an aimed attack, if you tap forward or back while spamming the Light Attack. You will trigger one of those moves costing you stamina and interrupting your aimed attack.

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  6. Mouse Acceleration

    Will you provide a fix to the Negativ mouse acceleration in the future? The fix i found doesnt work


    pasting this in the bottom of the Engine.ini is not working at all
    Playing with mouse and keyboard is not possible..

    That fix is the one posted on your Discord btw and NO it doesnt work :D

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  7. can't change movement controls

    When I first started up the game on PC to change my controls (I prefer to play with ESDF instead of WASD) I noticed that I couldn't change the standard controls. It would be great if the player were able to choose their own movement keys

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  8. Feedback on Xbox gameplay

    First, let me start with I am really enjoying the game and I am glad you pushed Wizards to let your team make the game you wanted to make.

    On Xbox the online matchmaking could use some tweaks. When I join an online game and complete the act it always seems to drop me back to the main screen and says, "you have been disconnected". This happens on my Series X and on my Series S. It would be nice to have the choice to stay with your current party and continue on to the next mission, so you don't…

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  9. Playstation versions arent cross-gen and cross-progression

    The ps5 version and ps4 version are not compatible to play with eachother, making them not cross-gen like the developers CLAIM, so people need to be on the same version to play together, but the issue is theres no cross-progression between versions so swapping between ps4 and ps5 versions means you LOSE YOUR DATA. Ridiculous, fix this.

    1. Encountered on ps4 and ps5
    2. Playing alone because i cant play with friends

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  10. Ps5

    Im playing on ps5, my friends are playing on ps4, the game claims its cross-gen but people playing on different versions (ps4 and ps5) cant play together, so i downloaded the ps4 version but none of my game data is there, so i either have the start from scratch to play with my friends, or continue with all my stuff on ps5 alone.

    My suggestion - make the game ACTUALLY cross-gen so ps5 version can play with ps4 version and vise-versa, and fix the issue where game data isnt cross-progression, otherwise you’ll have many fans furious when they upgrade to…

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  11. Desequilíbrio

    Há um grande desequilíbrio e discrepância entre os danos recebidos e causados nos desafios 4, 5 e 6 contra jogador, um grande handicap que desmerece, causa antipatia pelo jogo, dando a impressão que se trata de um jogo sujo da empresa para forçar multiplayer, isso é irritante, causa ódio e nojo do jogo. Se não querer ver o jogo fracassar corrijam imediatamente esse gesto desonesto que desmerece o game play, aumante o desafio de forma justa e honesta como deve ser em qualquer rpg, para se que possa fazer desafios maior que 4 sozinho, tem jogadores que não gostam de…

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  12. Dropped loot need larger trigger boxes

    Often miss picking up loot because the trigger boxes are to small. Just a minor issue, but gets old real fast when you have to stand directly on the loot to pick it up. A minor increase in 0.5-1.0 Unreal Units should probably do the trick.

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  13. Slow Responsive Combat due to hidden "Global Cooldown"

    I believe I have found the pain point in "slow" and poor response combat. You seem to have a kind of hidden "global cooldown" between MANY actions, if not all. Even the "lock on" toggle and switch seem to be subject to it.

    I noticed it the most with doing a charge heavy range attack on "Cattie-Brie." If I learn the "beats" of this GCD it and other actions go off without a hitch but if I try to do it rapidly the game won't register my attempt and I will have to release a regular heavy attack or nothing…

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  14. Danos desequilibrado apartir do desafio 4.

    Os danos que sofremos dos npcs do desafio 4 em diante estão em excesso prejudicando a evolução do game play e atrapalhando a imersão do jogo, drops precisam ser melhorados, estão com a qualidade baixa.

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  15. Cross progression PC/Consoles

    Hi, please add cross progression. I belive this is one of the important modern features which every modern game should have. I started to play on Xbox but im mainly PC players as all my friends play on PC. Now i can't play with them without starting from beginning. Cross progression between PC and console is important especially when game is added to game pass. Please consider this request.

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  16. PS4 Gamestop Deluxe Edition

    The code for Echoes of the Blood War is not working. Keeps saying it's not valid.

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    Ps4 It will not upgrade to PS5 so I bought the ps5 version now the ps4 data won’t sync do I have to start all over again. And my dlc codes are not working please help!!!!!!

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  18. Mid-mission saving and rewards

    Hello! I have found two aspects of this game that could use some consideration. The lack of mid-mission saving is troublesome. Some of these missions are quite long. I would assume most players getting into this game are adults reliving the dark alliance series. Sometimes we just want to get some game in, but don’t have enough time for a whole mission. Please consider adding mid-mission saving. Possibly add a notice when reentering the game, if the player would like to continue their mission or go to camp.

    This leads to the next point. If returning to camp mid-mission, there…

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  19. Saves not Syncing over Cloud

    My saved game is not synced between Xbox S|S and my Windows PC. Tried relaunching the game in XBOX and then on Windows version, but no luck. My Windows PC saved game is outdated (1 character level 2), where on XBOX my 1st character level 12, and second character level 3.

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  20. Very lengthly post-mission screen

    1. I encountered this issue on PS5
    2. I was playing alone and with friends
    3. I was playing as any hero
    4. work around is to get a cup of tea

    The post-mission summary screen is exciting the first few times, but soon becomes dull and repetitive. It takes too long to view the combat summary, the crystals summary, the loot summary, the coins summary, the EXP summary and the MVP screen. It would be great to streamline this / allow players to skip (or vote to skip) to get back to camp.

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