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Dark Alliance Bugs & Suggestions/Feedback

1. I encountered this issue on [INSERT PLATFORM HERE]
2. I was playing [WITH FRIENDS/ALONE]
3. I was playing as [INSERT HERO NAME HERE]

Describe what you were doing before the issue happened.

Describe the problem you encountered.

Expected Result:
What you expected would happen instead.

858 results found

  1. Few Bugs and Ideas.

    1. Please give a map or mini map.
    2. At the end of an Act game pauses and takes me back to camp, I would like to continue searching area for loot that I have missed or areas that I have not explored.
    3. Sometimes the enemy just stands there doing nothing please fix.
    4. Loot does not upgrade when I choose this option at the small camps, and the same thing when I up the level difficulty.
    5. There is a small delay from when I press an attack button and when my character performs the move, sometimes it’s just around 1 to 2…
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  2. unable to equip any gear

    ive encounted a bug on xbox one while playing with friends as wulfgar and the only workaround ive found is to start a new character. me and my friends where in a game when the host got disconnected. i loaded back in to find all the gear i had equipped is gone and i cant even go to the screen to pick new gear or the game soft locks. i hope this issue can get resovled cause ive been enjoying the game but now sad i had lost all progress ive made

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  3. Dashboarded, lost progress and loot

    1. I encountered this issue on Xbox One
    2. I was playing friends
    3. I was playing as Wulfgar

    We finished Act 3 on The Companions of Icewind Dale, we had our tally sheets and everything, my 2 friends ended up back at camp and I dashboarded in the loading process and when I opened to game back up I’d dropped back down to level 5 from 8, didn’t receive any of my loot, cash, feat or attribute points.

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  4. Failed to find a Session

    1. I encountered this issue on XBOX Series X
    2. I was playing solo
    3. I was playing as Bruenor
    4. Trying to switch to online session

    Steps: Tried to switch to online session; both Friends only and Invite Only.

    Result: Failed to find session, every time I tried. On the same wifi network that my wife was on, and she was able to find a session.

    Expected Result: To find a session. Because online multiplayer games have been around for several decades now.

    Suggestion: Fix your online multiplayer game so people can actually play it.

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  5. Allow Peer to Peer connections

    Hi Guys,

    First off let me say that I am absolutely loving the game!!! The visuals, the combos, just the everything man!!!!

    I know you guys are working on a patch.

    I have a couple of questions though:

    1. Will there be some way to host a server from peer to peer or lol I dunno what it is called exactly. What I mean is my friend and I are both from South Africa and play together but we have a 170 ping and really effects our gameplay. Really sucks as when I play offline it just feels so much better...due…

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  6. Let Dodge Cancel Combos

    You have the potential for a good game however there are a lot of problems with gameplay. I'm going to start off with I've had a few instances too many where I'm being attacked and I cannot successfully Dodge because I am stuck in a combo that is a major problem especially if you're playing by yourself and especially at the harder difficulties. This game does not seem to be geared towards single player if I am playing at the recommended settings playing multiplayer I can get through but if I play single player with the recommended settings for power…

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  7. Allow to diable moves

    1. PC
    2. Coop and alone
    3. Catti-Brie

    While playing as CB. There are two moves that either need a different activation or need the ability to disable moves.

    Rising Kick (tap forward + Light Attack )
    Viper Fang Kick (Tap Backward + Light Attack)

    These are too easy to trigger and often interrupt other attacks. While doing an aimed attack, if you tap forward or back while spamming the Light Attack. You will trigger one of those moves costing you stamina and interrupting your aimed attack.

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  8. Mouse Acceleration

    Will you provide a fix to the Negativ mouse acceleration in the future? The fix i found doesnt work


    pasting this in the bottom of the Engine.ini is not working at all
    Playing with mouse and keyboard is not possible..

    That fix is the one posted on your Discord btw and NO it doesnt work :D

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  9. Mob aggro drop, and insane attack range.

    So as I'm sure you know you can literally just kill every mob in the game from ranged without them ever walking towards you. However if you decide to get close. You either get 1 shot or do no damage at all depending on your class. Dodging most enemy attacks are impossible due to the online lag, and the attacks that you do visually dodge still hit you because there is not ground indication on the radius. IE neverwinters ground attack system. The input lagged on commands its also insanely bad. I have to try 6-7 time to get dwarfie…

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    Ps4 It will not upgrade to PS5 so I bought the ps5 version now the ps4 data won’t sync do I have to start all over again. And my dlc codes are not working please help!!!!!!

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  11. Bug/Dodge bug

    1. I encountered this issue on [Steam/PC]
    2. I was playing [ALONE]
    3. I was playing as [Brunor]
    4. [I'm playing with a nintendo wii remote]

    Steps: Dodging key function.

    Result: In certain scenarios for what ever reason the character gets stuck in its rolls and cannot move forward it would seem the enemy in front of him prevents any kind of forward dodge action and can only be performed if at all backward

    Expected Result:
    Clear the perhaps overlapping characters to prevent movement overlap if this is what is happening.

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  12. Can't Pick Up Loot

    My buddy and i are playing the new game of D&D on steam and he cant pick up any loot at all, he plays the barbarian, andi play the tank, passed the first set of monsters in the first mission they surround a magic protected chest, after defeating them, he cant grab any loot, at all

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  13. Multiplayer disconnects at completion, and sometimes loses all rewards

    Dark Alliance Bugs & Suggestions/Feedback
    ← Customer Feedback for Wizards of the Coast
    1. I encountered this issue on Xbox One
    2. I was playing with friends
    3. I was playing as Cato-Brie
    4. There is no workaround

    Either start a custom MP game, or join one (doesn’t matter which)
    Start an Act (doesn’t matter which one or rank)
    Finish the act
    View all the rewards
    Everyone holds A to return to camp
    The game starts a reload screen, with tips, and the usual amount of time is spent reloading
    The game says you’ve been disconnected



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  14. Need to revamp loot if the recent patch is the direction the game is headed


    I've enjoyed my time spent in dark alliance thus far. I play solo and also with a group of friends at times. Loot grinding games are some of my favorite games. However, they are only good when the reward is worth the effort. Before the latest patch it was riding the line of whether the time spent was worth the potential rewards. After this latest patch I fear it has tipped the scale in the wrong direction.

    I do enjoy the increased difficulty that this patch brought! I feel that the way the loot currently works is not a…

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  15. Catti-brie Aming Down Sites

    1. Doing moves when should not be
    2. Aiming down sites shooting bow
    3. Playing as Catti-brie
    4. Playing on Steam/PC

    When playing as Catti-brie, when aiming down sites you do other moves like the backfilp, jumpshot or even just kicking when you are supposed to be shooting. This is a problem. First its a waste of stamina. Second a way to get yourself killed. Third a waste of time.

    I would expect that NOT to happen when aiming down sites.

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  16. Loot drops

    Epic and Legendary loot drops should be increased on higher difficulty missions. My buds and I are constantly getting common, uncommon & rare gear when doing the harder missions. Legendary drop rates seem bugged for sure. Another issue I'm seeing now is you can't unequip potions anymore. An idea to fix the drop rate for potions would be nice too. Have the game drop the potions you need/missing stock of instead of just a random one from chests.

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  17. When reviving allies it seems that the button isnt reacting unless you stand in the perfect spot.

    Sometimes you stand by your downed friend but the prompt isn't showing so you can't revive unless you are in the perfect spot.

    You could adopt the revive system from "For Honor". There you just need to be within the right area of a friend and you can press the revive button even if the prompt is showing.

    So on xbox, I would press X to revive. In for honor you could start rhe revive as long as your character is within reach but while the running animation haven't finished yet.

    It would help alot to earn to extra micro…

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  18. Rejoin as a level 1 character after multiplayer game

    1. I encountered this issue on Xbox Series X
    2. I was playing WITH FRIENDS
    3. I was playing as Catti Brie
    4. Quit back to character selection and select the appropropriate Catti Brie instance. 2 instances were now displayed, Level 10 created by me, Level 1 created by the bug. The Level 10 character had all progress, gold and items associated with the mission completed immediately prior. After switching characters and rejoining the host, the issue was resolved.

    Completed a multiplayer mission. Returned to town.

    On loading into town, I was a default level 1 Catti…

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  19. Singleplayer compainions

    It would be nice if single player could be played eith other ai companions. The game is kinda broken and I would love to play it in single player and have the companions commentary. I love the books and i like what they have to say about the world.

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  20. Loot item fell through ground

    Playing on PS5 as the drizzt solo.. on act 1 of the ice dragon quest I opened up a loot chest at the first door area to enter the dungeon and the item dropped into the ground and cannot grab the item.

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