Dark Alliance Bugs & Suggestions/Feedback
212 results found
Brand new to the game and low level. I get paired with high levels and they either kick me right away or take me to a super high level area in which I die fast and frequently. Slowing the gameplay and annoying the high level players. I would suggested either better pairing of players OR adding a vote to kick or disallowing kicks all together. It seriously makes this game useless to be low level and always getting kicked.
2 votes -
Attack in the Direction of Left Stick not Camera
Hate that an enemy gets hit to the side and my character keeps going in the direction of the camera. Have the left stick (movement) control the direction you are attacking. Especially with the slow camera movement
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There needs to be more rewarding gear progression / base camp ideas
There needs to be more rewarding gear progression / base camp ideas
After you hit 3500 score and above getting meaningful upgrades becomes a real slog. Most of the dropped gear is trash, getting a good rank 5 epic or legendary for the set you want can take hours and hours of grinding, and potentially leave you completely without reward. More gold and crystals become meaningless because there is nothing to spend it on.Now you could improve the drop rate of rank 5 gear, but I myself would prefer to populate the soulless and empty base camp instead:
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Ideas to improve the flow of the story
I have greatly enjoyed the game despite the bugs and I hope those will improve as they get identified. I do have a few suggestions that you might consider:
Add the option to include at least one AI companion when playing solo. This will provide context to the dialogue and make missions more organic, in my opinion and increase replay value and variability. Adjust the difficulty accordingly. This will also improve the gameplay mechanics by adding combos and team attacks while playing offline. The game is more fun when playing with the companions but I get thrown into missions that…
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Just bought the game only to find out that I cannot play it on my French keyboard
While in the options I realized that it is impossible to change the movement binds. Although it is not strictly impossible to play with the QWERTY keyboard binds for movement, it makes it VERY difficult, and honestly not fun to twist my hand in order to play.
I was exited about this game and the first 10 minutes were ruined by something that should be implemented right from the start. Please implement a movement key change in the options, so that people from other countries with a different keyboard layout can actually play the game.
Thank you.1 vote -
Unable to find a server or host
Server issues, my two roommates and myself are trying to play the campaign together. However can't connect to any one of the three of us.
two of us are using the xbox app on our computers the other is on the xbox.3 votes -
Icewind’s Hit Boxes Are Way Off
All of Icewind’s attacks hit the player without always hitting the player. She stomps off screen and I die. She snaps her jaws near my character and I die. I’m 10 feet away from her flying breath weapon when she destroys the ballista and I die. I’ve been trying to beat her repeatedly on a reasonable difficulty for my character and I have not once died to a goblin or had them really affect the outcome. It’s ALWAYS one bite, one stomp, or one ice stream, instant death. Ridiculous. There’s a big difference between challenging and strategic boss fights and…
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Icewind’s Attacks Need to Damage the Goblins
If Icewind is biting and stomping around the arena, these goblins need to be affected. I’m dodging all over the fighting line and get caught up on stupid goblins that are somehow unaffected by Icewind’s attacks. Preposterous. The verbeeg and other enemies impact surrounding allies with their attacks; shouldn’t a big dragon do the same?
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Expand Weapon/Armor Skins
It would be nice if the choice of skins (not just different colors) were expanded upon. Personally I'm not a fan of most of the better sets visuals, and would like the opportunity to give them the appearance of other sets while still having the stats of the equipment my characters are wearing. Sometimes even preferring the visuals of the starting gear. Drizzt for example, Twinkle and Icingdeath are the worst swords stats-wise but two of the best looking swords and given how iconic they are I would love to be able to apply their skin to my Dragonsbane swords.
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Very lengthly post-mission screen
- I encountered this issue on PS5
- I was playing alone and with friends
- I was playing as any hero
- work around is to get a cup of tea
The post-mission summary screen is exciting the first few times, but soon becomes dull and repetitive. It takes too long to view the combat summary, the crystals summary, the loot summary, the coins summary, the EXP summary and the MVP screen. It would be great to streamline this / allow players to skip (or vote to skip) to get back to camp.
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Deluxe Edition
The Deluxe Edition does not seem to provide any of the described items on the Steam page. If there is there a trigger for them to be added to the loot box, then an in game description or something would be nice. If the Deluxe Edition no longer provides anything, because it's out of pre-order status, then it should be updated or removed on the Steam store.
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Appearance System
Please add an appearance system. I hate looking like a mismatched clown, and I love Bruenor's starting set. Would be nice to be able to mix and match armors how I want to get the look for me. This will be especially nice when teams are able to have duplicates and we won't see identical characters in identical sets anymore.
We NEED an appearance/transmog system
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3 votes
"You Have Fallen" Screen Does Not Need a Countdown when Solo
It's bad enough that I get killed by one-shot moves with bad hitboxes or delayed animation, but it is really tedious as a solo player to watch the "You Have Fallen" countdown for 10 seconds when there is no one around to revive me anyway. There is also a glitch where the countdown finishes and restarts to 10 seconds, but respawns me before counting down a second time. This, combined with the rendering character/HUD issues that I have posted about elsewhere in this forum, has made diligently fighting the boss until I win a very painful, frustrating process.
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Tally Screen should be controlled with button presses
It can be tedious watching the Tally Screen sit there and disclose all of the information about the completed level when all you want to do is get back to Kelvin's Cairn and level up, equip gear, etc. I know what gear and crystals that I got: I was there. Instead of having it auto-run, a player can press A/X/Enter to speed up the rundown, and then press that button again to advance to the next screen. As slow as it seems to go sometimes, there are other times where I actually want to read the screen and it advances…
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What ever patch you guys did for Loot is RIDICULOUSLY ******. done 10 straight raids with level 6 on Mask of Kelvin SOLO and all legionaries that dropped if any where rank 4 only??? I thought after patch oh couldn't be that bad...i can still get above 4k gear score. Im 3819 now over 90(since level 0) plus hours into the game and i have done over 300 adventures/raids and i cant get any of the gear i need on legendary but im supposed to do a level 6 at 4k gear score? FIX YOUR GAME. Have something that is…
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Authentifizierung schlägt fehl
Das Einloggen ins Spiel funktioniert nicht mehr. Bitte um Hilfe.
1 vote -
I have noticed that the ping time takes forever. (The time it takes between when i give a command and the game executing a command) and the archer has a hard time finding critical hits, I can hit the same spot 5 times and 1 be critical and if there is 2 criticals one does 2500 damage and the other does 600?. also I am facing the floating mage you have to kill 5 times??? And he can chain 3 specials together? Like holes on the ground, teleport to you and hit you with a beam all in like 2…
3 votes -
So you've given up already??
Really, crickets coming from the devs/programmers concerning OVER 700 complaints about your game....
Not one bug fixed properly...
And "WE" still have a DLC code that IS NOT ACTIVE yet.....
Plan on addressing any of this anytime soon, or have you just given up now that you got some $$ and say "*****" the gamers???!!!
I'd go farther into this, but I THINK you got the idea.
If you don't, I'd suggest looking for a NEW LINE OF WORK/JOB!
1 vote -
RNG/Drop Rate On Tier 6
So, again, after making 50 gear runs on Tier 6 on the second act boss, totaling :
50 runs x 9 drops = 450 items, not counting the random drops you get from mobs on way...
I got a whopping 12 Legendaries of which EXACTLY ZERO of them were Level 5, and exactly ZERO of them were Grim Reaper......
WTF man!!!!???
Can't gear up Cattie-brie if we can't get "targeted" drops nor the fact that they system WON'T give us Lv5 gear!!!
Fix this jeesh!
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?