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network error - unable to get collection
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499 votesAn error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment AkronWood#37480 commented
Can't play mtg arena in pc. Network Error. Unable to get Collection.
I check DNS, antivirus and internet connection, uninstall and reinstall mtg arena and the problem continues. Pc and internet connection is ok. Only can access in phone, with android without WIFI. I Suppose is, Wizard’s or internet supplier company, bad interaction. In phone whit another internet supplier it works. Please check it. In Spain almost 50% of population had this internet supplier.Thanks
AkronWood#37480 supported this idea ·
2,453 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment AkronWood#37480 commented
Since the Beta version of MTG Arena, Historic (From Wizards of the Coast) was talked about and promoted as an ETERNAL Magic format in MTG ARENA in which all Arena cards could be played.
It is a format I liked ... until the conversion with Alchemists ... Historic is now no longer an ETERNAL format, all Arena cards can no longer be played AS YOU PROMISED.
My finances do not allow me to spend a lot of money on a game, however, so far, within my possibilities, I have done so by focusing on an ETERNAL format.
As a Magic player since 1989 and an Arena player since Beta, I feel SCAMMED, it is not a ban or a nerf, it is a lot of wildcards I spent in an ETERNAL format (you can no longer play all the cards published in Arena) which is now no longer ETERNAL.
For this reason, I request that all the wild cards I invested in Historic be reimbursed to my account, logically deleting the crafted cards.
I will decide in which format I decide to use them, of course regardless of how Wizards promotes a format.
Waiting your response
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Idea: network error - unable to get collection
same here
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Same report for me since two days ago. Thanks