Product Suggestion Leave Historic Alone
With the new Alchemy format, can we please have it separated from Historic? You are going to be nerfing cards considering the standard environment, please leave them alone for Historic decks.
TheFauxDeity#18747 commented
Please, please, please remove Alchemy cards from Historic formats and keep Alchemy content contained to it's own format. All I want from this game is a digital version of the TCG. I've already invested so much time into my card collection when Alchemy was introduced. I just want the option to matchmake in Historic formats without Alchemy.
islandnalu#92235 commented
tcgplayerpro#11653 commented
Product Suggestion remove Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment esk algorithm. Rigged games went horrible for ea. They have lost fifa and are banned in Belgium due to predatory practices towards kids. Hate on real packs all you want but it's fair games which is what you 'pay for' on these online packs at around the same price.
ItsJustFubar#05574 commented
Oh my God yes I know this is old but **** alchemy
JohnnyCBad#01836 commented
This is still my #1 issue with this game.
KingYoshi#73486 commented
I was very happy to see the Historic format when it came out.
I loved playing with actual printed cards in a digital format.Please remove all Alchemy cards from the historic format!
TheREALsmellybread#71708 commented
For the love of all that is sacred, please get Alchemy cards out of Historic or at least make a different que for Historic + Digital Cards and then Pure Historic.
Historic was getting better and better before Alchemy made me log out every time I see a digital monstrosity.
Its also just super annoying having to constantly reread cards that are one way in paper and another online.
Milo#09704 commented
Can we still stop nerfing cards so we don't have to reread them? and just skip the stupid alchemy cards. give them their own format
Llewella#56050 commented
Made a complaint when a card I spent wild cards on for my historic deck got "adjusted" so that's now unplayable. Received a response to post my concerns here because "we care about your feedback" and I see the largest upvoted game change thread is this one.
Two years and no adjustments. Selling lemons by making printed cards unplayable and not refunding their purchases (let alone losing out on the equity spent to support the changed cards).
Pure stubbornness and greed to force a format on your player base and allow it to infect historic when it is largely disliked.
ZidK47#14917 commented
Alchemy cards should be an option on every format, not an obligation.
One of the pillars of magic is to try to leave the minimum number of elements to chance, something incompatible with alchemy.
They are mixing the type of game that people like the most with the type of policy that people like the least, I don't know exactly what they expect from it.
Grimblee#71798 commented
Historic feels like as safe haven much like Modern, it should not be affected by nerfs. If you decide a card is problematic, ban it.
Eneas#18294 commented
They should separate both! We are literally forced to play alchemy chards.. when people in MTGO have access to all the cards and can brew whatever they like. With us we get conjuring cards from a book of 15 cards hoping we can get a card that's useful. Just separate the two formats...
MacKnife#31754 commented
I don't like alchemy as i want to play decks also available in paper. And i sometimes want to build decks from pro tour finalists and play them in the same environement.
Please take alchemy out of historic. you could make separate alchemy historic and would probably see only a few playing there and much more in historic as it was.
I now switched over playing more explorer, because it's free of alchemy. But i would love to play some historic elves again without running into mirror matches with weird alchemy elves or other ugly alchemy stuff.
bonzibuddy432#75550 commented
They nerfed my Kumano Faces Kakkazan. Now I can't play mono red in Historic because of this ****. Ridiculous.
MioCid#98861 commented
Historic was by far my preferred format after Alchemy introduction. Then I quitted completely. I play Arena as a way to keep up to speed with the physical game, but the introduction of Alchemy made this impossible
How long until we can play all our cards without Alchemy in a sort of Arena Vintage? How long until Historic goes back to its original intention?
kappa#95088 commented
Alchemy really sucks. It seems a grab money move. I ask to you if you re really thinking that in Alchemy cards are balanced... if you think that maybe you have some mind problem. Leave historic alone
OtakuAmerican#52627 commented
I would love to play with the lord of the rings set, but alchemy changes what makes historic unique with how much randomness it creates. I get people who wanna play alchemy but I don’t want to cause it adds so many no skill mechanics like conjure. That’s what brawl is for or alchemy play. Not saying it doesn’t have a place but arena is a good teaching tool for new players and I think what scares new players is few formats to choose from. Not everybody wants to play standard or any format. Like why support a format so few people are interested in when you release a modern set on platform that doesn’t even have it, and the format we could play that in is plagued by cards that go +3 at minimum
JustASimpleMonk#12231 commented
Just give us historic adjacent formats. Historic and historic brawl but without digital only "cards" or rebalances.
K1ng_Sm1th#27067 commented
How is it that I'm seeing mail in arena about "on the subject of ninja's kunai.." etc which had way less votes than this, and yet this is not being addressed.
I know you all see this gathering momentum and yet you 'choose' to ignore it.
Every company thinks they're irreplaceable until they're replaced.
Just saying.
K1ng_Sm1th#27067 commented
Seek. Perpetual. Draft from spellbook. Conjure. Double team. Boon. And whatever else.
It doesn't belong in magic. Not in the way you force onto players anyway.
At first you made us fight the good fight just to have a historic queue. I, like many others, remember how you made us PAY GOLD AND GEMS to play the historic queue. We had cards in our collection and couldn't play them. You charged us DOUBLE WILDCARDS TO CRAFT historic cards. We jumped through your hoops and SHOWED YOU THAT WE WANTED AN ETERNAL FORMAT where we could play our cards. cards we have often paid real money for.
And how do you repay us?
With a bunch of digital only cards which nobody asked for or wanted, which completely warp the historic format into something we hate. My question is why? We all keep telling you WE DON'T LIKE IT, and yet you keep catering to the minority of people who want to play alchemy.
Give them a separate queue and let them fight to keep show you how much they want to keep their precious alchemy cards. Heck, why not charge them to play alchemy like you charged us to play historic? That way you'll know they really want it! Alchemy is dead. The only reason why it still persists is because you seeded it into the historic format and it latches on like a leech. I don't understand why you made us fight tooth and nail for the ability to play our non-standard legal cards, but you're forcing something that we don't want down our throats. Please for the love of magic GIVE US OUR HISTORIC FORMAT BACK!!!
We don't want to play historic brawl WITH alchemy.
We don't want to have to put up with unrealistic games where opponents just get to manipulate decks to tutor cards with busted seek mechanics (cabaretti revels..)
We don't want to have to put up with losses to decks that essentially don't play by the rules of magic.It's infuriating when you lose to a deck which is practically 90% alchemy versus your real card deck, and the only reason you lose is because it feels like you and your opponent are playing two entirely different card games!! It's beyond a joke now, and the only reason many people still play is because we already invested so heavily into the format. What you're doing though, is taking advantage of us. I wonder how long before the camel's back breaks..
Yes, granted we have explorer... But why shouldn't we get to play with our historic anthology cards which we have paid for?
Please put the pride and ego aside and do something positive for the game starting with separating the alchemy and historic queue. Get back in touch with how the player base feels and put 'people' back into the decision making aspect of the game. I'm sure you'd be surprised by the results (or not, you probably already know nobody want's to play alchemy)