Lag Freeze when searching Library - see video posted of the event taking place!
problems [multiple]
1. huge lag while playing [rank] and searching library, lost many games because my time ran out while it was 'restacking my deck or some other useless animation, or just stays frozen all together and come back to being 'defeated'
2. while mulligan, im having to wait until their animation or mine ends b4 i am allowed to remuligan
3. even if they have not mulliganed.... i must watch all of my own restacking of my deck animation prior to being able to remulligan...
plz... ffs, take care of this issue b4 adding any extra fluff to the game!

Azazapuppy#06903 commented
Please fix this! It blows my mind that this bug dates back to at least 2019. Searching for any kind of land [or card from the deck tbh], via Evolving Wilds or what-have-you is incredibly laggy, and has resulted in the wrong land being selected in multiple matches.
I've seen several people state that it's just laggy on weaker machines, but I can play Half-Life: Alyx on Ultra, so it is not my computer that is the issue here. I'm on Linux and my videocard card is an AMD one for what it's worth.
I just started playing Arena this year but it seems many have run into this same problem
Poet#35005 commented
I just signed out of MTGA closed my computer and said I'm done playing until this gets fixed. My best deck basically depends on searching which always leads to huge lag and the search not working. I've turned several people onto MTGA but I can't do that anymore if simple game mechanics don't work.
Cherie Lamour#26470 commented
This same issue has happened to me several times resulting in multiple games in which I had the winning edge but ended up losing due to time out. I feel very frustrated as I love my search cards but this glitch keeps causing me issues and I have lost games and ranks due to it. I am glad it wasn't paid tournaments as this glitch could get costly. Please fix soon!
BakerMayfield#62312 commented
hello….is there a fix anyone...
skotchcarte#61290 commented
After the last update, I still always encounter a lag, as described in this bug report,
after selecting a land, when using the Flower sorcery or evolving wilds.I don't encounter disconnects, most of the time,
but the timers still fuse out, while I can't act during the lag. -
jayinatlanta#94692 commented
It's unconscionable that this bug isn't fixed yet. Lost two games today that I was winning until search caused hang and then disconnect. When you reconnect, you've lost at least two ropes. This is a fast computer and this happens every time on a Search your library... effect.
ROLLINGTHUNDER#76309 commented
I have the same issue. Very annoying. This game worked great before, now it hardly plays right
Ricardo Bravo#24744 commented
Every time i search something in my "new pc" (ex :mastermind, final parting ,circuitous route) game makes me lose the timersi have or disconnects me so some change was made because before this didint happen now i got a new one didnt disconnected me and it stayed like in the file till i closed game didint even solve.
Emera#31123 commented
Same problem. I can't search my library without crashing the game constantly. This effectively gives opponents an instant win. It's not fair, please fix this. This is a game-breaking issue.
zonmoy#89250 commented
happens to me whenever I play a search the library card or my opponent plays one.
Teenager#22353 commented
Every time. Easily repeatable. Just cast Mastermind's and search your library. Game comes to a halt. I have no idea why they do not fix this. I can trace the memory leak on my end. Maybe they need to hire a better development team or put cosmetics on hold for a few days. The game is unplayable if you want to play a deck that searches the library.
jayinatlanta#94692 commented
Agreed, logged a separate idea about this because I wasn't sure my vote was being counted here, but this happens to me every time I pull a "search your library" card (which is a lot - I have a lot of creatures and independent cards with this effect). Performance is just deplorable on large decks and it often makes me reconnect, by which time I've lost timeouts and "rope" and lose games I would have won.
Petey McPeteface#05216 commented
This is happening with me. I play a lot of big, multicoloured decks, and need to search for land regularly
Jimbosmash#91273 commented
This happens whenever I am searching for lands using the four mana green spell ranging raptors or wild land fetching. Takes forever. I think it is the animations for how the deck looks.
Cyclop2009#87746 commented
Searching the library makes the game stop responding everytime.
tuptup#15685 commented
Game freezes when you completes searching library, problem is especially evident when library is bigger than 60-100 cards. On 150+ cards it always results in showing timer for me (due to game freeze). Also game is loading really slowly when library is bigger 100+ cards.
Jaegur#72726 commented
dont know exactly how many times this has happened now. but lets say 8 out 10. any card that does a library search. it will let you pick the card or cards that I want. then it will either freeze and disconnect from the server. or return to the game with out giving me the cards as well as skipping my turn