MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions
This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here.
How to report a bug
1. Give us the steps to reproduce the bug
2. Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS)
3. Enter the actual results you’re experiencing
4. Enter the expected results of the feature
5. Add any relevant screenshots/videos
6. If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.
Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks
How to submit product suggestions
- Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
- Enter your feedback
- Add any relevant screenshots/videos
Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests
If you receive an error message that your attachment did not upload, please check to make sure it is smaller than 50 MB.
1383 results found
Draft loss bug
Twice I have experienced a bug where I was given a loss during a draft when I should not have. First during a premier draft I lost a match and it gave me two losses instead of just one. Second during a quick draft I was given a loss after winning a match. Very frustrating as it cut both those drafts short for me which is a loss of valuable resources as a player
456 votes -
Randomly kicked from game and given loss during draft
Pretty much the title. Was playing duskmourn premier limited and in the middle of a game apropos nothing it kicked me from the game. It didn't initially give me a win or loss, so I played another game. After I won that second game, it gave me both a win and a loss and ended my draft (3rd loss). Playing on windows
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29 votes
taste of power
Taste of Power Achievement not getting credited: I am trying to get the Taste of Power achievement. I bought an Oracle of the Alpha, the only source I know of for playing the Power Nine. In Historic Play que, I cast Oracle, found Timetwister, and cast it. The spell resolved, my opponent refilled his aggro deck hand, and finished stomping me. I thought at least I would have the achievement but no, progress still 0/1. What am I doing wrong? I believe I should have gotten the achievement. In another game I got opponent's Oracle with Heist mechanic and cast…
14 votes -
cant play triomes in chromatic cube
The triomes in the cube have a different art style so I can't put them in my deck despite this event should be phantom. I don't own the triomes and I don't want to pay 600 gems to get an art upgrade for a phantom event ????
67 votes -
Duskmourne Alchemy Event Bug at 11/06
Since 11/05/2024 the alchemy event (Bo1) is giving OTJ Alchemy packs as reward instead of Duskmourne ones.
For me, are already 3 events that I recieve the wrong rewards.18 votes -
Win recorded as loss
I was playing OTJ draft with two losses and 0 wins. I won my next match but the app recorded both 1 loss and 1 win. Since that totaled 3 losses, I’m not able to continue.
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win registered as loss
In a premier draft of WOE my opponent conceded but Arena registered it as my third loss of the draft
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16 votes
Mastery xp not adding
Mastery xp from weekly xp quest is not adding to my mastery pass total.
Also getting into contact with support seems impossible to get a direct fix.30 votes -
Foundations Jumpstart Event - invalid cards in packets
I used a play-in Token to join the Foundations Jumpstart event.
For the first packet, I selected Legion. For the second packet, I selected Stalwart.Each time I try and play a game with this deck, the game immediately ends in a forced draw as soon as an opponent is found.
If I try and double click the deck to see its contents, the game gets stuck "Waiting for the Server..." and I have to force quit the game.
I clicked the "Add to Decks" button to try and see the deck differently. When I go to that deck, I…
13 votes -
Jump in Event - stuck
I encountered an error with the jump in event.
I have MTGA arena installed on my windows 10 pc and my iphone X.
Recently I was playing jump in on my pc.
I left it logged in at the jump in event, but i guess it timed out (I had to leave the house)
I continued playing on my Iphone, resigned the event and rejoined, selecting two new packs, continued playing on my iphone.
Afterwards, when I got back home, I continued playing on my PC. I reconnected and It was still on the jump in event, but still showing…27 votes -
Can't sideboard in standard metagame challenge
I was 4-0 in the metagame challenge, and would easily won my last match, but I lost because there is a bug that don't allow me to sideboard. I was with a RW tokens needing to put my hasters to win a game against a mill deck, and I couldn't get out my sunfalls. really, I lost at least 4 hours playing this tournament to lose like that.
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25 votes
mastery pass problem
I have a problem with the mastery pass. My account levels up but the pass benefits are not released. I've already lost some benefits like the pet skin and also +400 gems.
This error has been happening for about 4 days. Which made me lose several benefits.
I'm waiting
15 votes -
Season pass reward not being rewarded.
I have not recieved the mastery pass levels 17,18 and 19 already. Still got 9 orbs and should have 10 because I dind't spend any of them. I leave the log just in case, and some screenshoots from the orb store, to see that none of them are bought.
15 votes -
No reward from my mastery pass
Today, I didn't received my rewards for the 4 last levels of my mastery pass (37th to 40th)
15 votes -
Quick Draft Quest No Progression
I decided to spend some of my gold to do the Quick Draft Quest (the blue one) and started a WOE Quick Draft event. After playing 3 matches I went to check on my quest progression, since I didn't get the reward prompt, only to find out that it's still at 0/3. Immensely disappointed as I won't have enough gold this month to do another draft and get the Halloween pet, so I'd have to wait a whole other month to attempt to do this quest again.
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Midweek Magic Card Reward Display Bug
After winning the event: Midweek Magic: Phantom Sealed Faceoff - Midnight Hunt for the first time I should receive a card. The reward however is not displayed and it takes multiple clicks on the "Claim" button to proceed. I can't even confirm whether I have gotten a reward at all.
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