MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions
This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here.
How to report a bug
1. Give us the steps to reproduce the bug
2. Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS)
3. Enter the actual results you’re experiencing
4. Enter the expected results of the feature
5. Add any relevant screenshots/videos
6. If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.
Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks
How to submit product suggestions
- Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
- Enter your feedback
- Add any relevant screenshots/videos
Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests
If you receive an error message that your attachment did not upload, please check to make sure it is smaller than 50 MB.
1734 results found
INSTANT LOVE SPELLS THAT WORK FAST, NO SIDE EFFECTS AND IT DOESN’T BACKFIRE, My name is Dr ITSOKWI Spells caster. Call/WhatsApp +2349053366074 Specializing in helping you to achieve your goals. Trusted lost love spells in the world. Love spells that really work, spell to return ex lover with effective results GET BACK LOST LOVER AFTER DIVORCE, get my EX-LOVER back, Instant Divorce Spell, Fertility/Pregnancy Spell, Marriage Spell, Love spells, lost love spells, breakup spells, love spell casters that work,online love spell…1 vote -
Explorer Anthologies
Explorer Anthologies should mostly contain Pioneer playable cards. An inspirational list is attached:
888 votes -
Please add MTGA to the Multimedia Games Database to approve it for streaming on adult websites
It would be very much appreciated if Magic: The Gathering Arena could be added to the Multimedia Games Database so that streamers could be permitted to stream it on Chaturbate. (link is 100% safe for work)
Some other noteworthy games that are on their database of approved games by their respective developers include:
League Of Legends
Cult Of The Lamb
Serious Sam
Return To Monkey Island
Hotline Miami
Enter The GungeonYou can search for these and other games that are permitted on their website if you need to verify that they are valid.
Whether just streaming…
41 votes -
ログイン不能/I can't log in
From October 23, 2024 (Japan time), I cannot log in from a line using a specific internet provider.
It seems that access from "nuro hikari", a famous internet provider in Japan, is restricted and I cannot log in to the IOS version and the mac version.
I can log in to the iOS version by using the phone company's line.
I am having trouble because only certain internet providers are restricted. Please fix it.2024年10月23日(日本時間)から特定のインターネットプロバイダを利用した回線からログインできません。
日本の有名なインターネットプロバイダの 「nuro光」という回線からのアクセスが制限されているようでios版、mac版とログインできません。
特定のインターネットプロバイダのみ規制されていて困っています。修正をお願いします。44 votes -
Break Out not functioning correctly
The card “Break Out” from Murders at Karlov Manor is putting cards on top of my library instead of into my hand, which is not what the card says to do. It is now a net card-disadvantage and is unplayable.
46 votes -
BUG: Exhaust Abilities may be used infinitely during opponent turns
Exhaust abilities can be activated any number of times during opponent turns. No Elvish Refueler was on board when I encountered this bug
How to reproduce:
1. Play any card with the Exhaust ability - I used Stampeding Scurryfoot to produce the bug
2. Activate an Exhaust ability during your turn
3. Activate the same Exhaust ability during opponent's turn
4. Repeat.Platform is PC
Actual results: Able to activate Exhaust ability as many times as I have mana to pay for during opponent turn.
Results should be that the Exhaust ability cannot be activated during opponent's turn. The ability…
14 votes -
Starfield of Nyx turns itsself into a creature when the card says "Other" enchantments
Starfield of nyx is not supposed to turn itself into a 5/5 enchantment creature, but it does.
I have posted a screenshot of this
(This bug made me lose the game btw!)16 votes -
Remove Digital-Only Cards from the Timeless Format
The timeless format is a big step forward and many players, including myself are excited to start playing it.
However, the constant pushing of digital only designs and pursuit of empty slogans such as "all cards on arena are legal" add nothing to the excitement and health of the format, many players would rather a true to paper experience with as little digital designs as possible.
Please consider removing alchemy from Timeless.
211 votes -
Mastery Pass reward
Did not receive DSK mastery pass level 32 reward
25 votes -
win wasnt recorded
Win wasn't recorded - I won and neither a win nor a loss was recorded.
17 votes -
psychic frog horizon hideaway event
Suggestion for the horizon hideaway event
Remove the gem paywall, if you cant remove it then greatly reduce the amount of gems needed, why anyone would think its a good idea to make it so users and consumers of your product have to pay a fake currency to be able to pay a temporary fake currency to get limited time offers is astounding to me34 votes -
Länder aus Booster werden nicht im Tresor aufgerechnet
Die neuen Länder aus Grundstein werden nicht im Tresor aufgerechnet wenn eine 5. Karte im Booster erscheint.
Dies ist mir jetzt schon mehrmals aufgefallen
13.11.24 ca. 15:30 Schweizer Zeit: Karte Erblühender Sand
13.11.24 ca. 18:55 Schweizer Zeit: Karte Sturzbachklippen
13.11.24 ca. 18:55 Schweizer Zeit: Karte Erblühender Sand
25.11.24 ca. 22:30 Schweizer Zeit: Karte Windgepeitschte FelswandBitte Fehler beheben und den Tresor richtig stellen, danke
1 vote -
Ban starscape cleric, Bloodthirsty conqueror, Bloodletter of Aclazotz, and Enduring Tenacity
These cards enable instant win combos. Instant win combos are just bad game design.
8 votes -
Network Error ネットワークエラー
I have been unable to log in to the desktop version of the site for 3 days since about October 23, 2024 (UTC+9:00) due to a network error. My internet provider is “nuro” from Japan. i can log in on the iOS version by connecting from an LTE line.
Checking X, it seems there are others who can't connect from “nuro”.2024年10月23日(UTC+9:00)ごろから3日間に渡りデスクトップ版でネットワークエラーが発生してログインができません。インターネットプロバイダは日本の "nuro" を使用しています。iOS版ではLTE回線から接続するとログインできます。
Xを確認すると、他にも "nuro" から接続できない人がいるようです。15 votes -
Bloodthirsty Conqueror Combo should be weakened.
Bloodthirsty Conqueror Combo should be weakened.
Bloodthirsty Conqueror Combo has too simple combo parts.
A simple mono black deck with a ridiculous amount of removal and interference and a combo at the end is all it takes to make it.What's the fun in that? It should only be allowed in the lower environment.
I know Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose, but releasing this along with removal-resistant cards like Enduring Tenacity and Starscape Cleric that are hard to deal with in a single card is a weird balance of power.
It's strange that all the cards in black these…12 votes -
Party of none
Hey Wizards I was attempting to complete the achievement Party of None and I did not receive it despite the fact I technically won the game without casting a creature. My opponent conceded the match after I used thran temporal gateway to put my Nicol Bolas God-Pharaoh in play and used his first ability which exiled overwhelming splendor. If the point of the achievement is to win using an alt win con I just think the wording should be updated for clarity. I have the ability to do this using my same brew so I will attempt it and see…
5 votes -
I stop playing mtg arena till you don't re-equilibrate the mono red power (for ex. banning leyline of resonance)
Balanced Gameplay was already near impossible versus mono red, adding "leyline of resonance" and "turn inside out" is ruining your game. I stop play it. It was nice to play, now it's only frustrating.
If you don't consider to do anything, well then consider to have a player less.
Best Regards.16 votes -
Problems on pc
I'm a PC user on Windows 10 and I had problems with the game all day after the 9-12 update.
The game would freeze and crash, preventing me from entering the menus or playing the game...18 votes -
Ban Leyline of Resonance
Ban the card and fire whoever came up with the card design. This card is absolute proof that there is NO thought process behind the design team. Look at the state of mono red. Slickshot Show-off, Emberheart Challenger, HEARTFIRE HERO. Absolute insanity that anyone still even tries to play ranked. TURN 2 WIN IN STANDARD???????????
15 votes -
shuffler Rigged
Plz fix your shuffler. Its not funny anymore. last month I was diamond 3. now I stuck in Platinum with the literally same deck. worse than that I lose 10 games in a row. Thats not normal. plz fix it. or open your algorithm to proof that your shuffler is fixed. but thank you. now i want to play neither alchemy nor draft or something else anymore. really really thank you.
11 votes
- Don't see your idea?