Connect Lost Draw Ranked Match
During a ranked match, my opponent is losing. Upon their defeat, the game quickly shows connection lost for a short moment and game ends in a draw. I am concerned opponent forced a draw by some disconnect method.
TheFarWanderer#41464 commented
Same exact thing just happened to me. I was playing against a guy who had less than 10 cards left in his deck (in other words, I’d successfully disrupted all his combos, and he had no answers left), and he was one turn from losing. Suddenly he overloads the system, and the match ends in a draw.
cookielm#97596 commented
same here but in a stardard event
Beldoras#01799 commented
Same here, looks like an exploit or cheating, c mon
EpimeTheAus#62495 commented
Same thing in Platinum ranked match; I playing a red deck, moment I got out a flying life link vampire and turned the 7 turn match around, game times out for 5 seconds then crashes back to main menu with no loss/win recorded at all.
The fact that it was immediate and just as I turned the game around timing was too suspicious.
If anyone need to check my account, the match this occurred in was the last one prior to 1:30 pm Sydney time, before I commented here. -
WordOfTheDay#53561 commented
Same thing happened to me - Gre Draw after my opponent played a Land deck with Druid classes, and a lot of triggers occurred.
I noticed that even in the best of times the game seemed like it took time to process what each player did, so it's possible that the networking for the client itself has some issues?
Attached log.
DLunn#37671 commented
Just had a draw right as the game started before anything started and i lost 38 spots in ranked Mythic! WHAT THE HELL! I did not lose connection so it was on your end or their end! and when your in the top 100 38 spots is REALLY FRUSTRATING!
lake_scum#49931 commented
same issue here
Buto#93263 commented
Log attachment cause can't edit a message and add an attachment.
Buto#93263 commented
This was a ranked match as well for me, about to win with an all attack and connection issue + draw. Too coincidental for my tastes, was sad to see multiple votes on this subject. Better handle it quick or ranked is a joke.
Bushido789x#56944 commented
This wasn't a ranked match but right as i was about to start the turn i was going to win his avatar exploded and a "connection issue" message appeared simultaneously, and i go a "Draw" screen instead of Victory.
Gon#33502 commented
Same, I've been now on both sides of this, first time I won and this happened, I thought it was an exploit and submitted a report, and just now it happened with me losing, so guess it wasn't an exploit but a bug. Both times it was ranked, first Standard Ranked, second on Traditional Standard Ranked, I had lost the first match, was about to lose the second which would've meant my opponent would've gone up in rank... Does it maybe have to do with the process to increase/decrease players' rank points?
Attatching log. -
SkizTH#80692 commented
same here