Game Froze
Game just froze won't play the card i choose and won't pass the turn even timer ran out but game stuck

Aydogan#14529 commented
Game froze on the opponent's turn and I was in position to win. Restarted the game (I didn't concede) and I was credited with a loss. Game should've at least been a draw.
KingInYellow#39587 commented
Same here
ChrisLTW#64316 commented
Same thing happened to me. Playing on PC, in the middle of the match, my PC completely froze. Manually shut it down and restarted. Got back into game, played land for turn and then couldn't do anything else. Timer froze at zero, could not interact with cards and concede button did nothing.
GeneralRob#44831 commented
Game freezes. I can move around the screen and see my cards. But timer has run down and nothing more happens.
Gurabu#81903 commented
Froze after dropping a land, unable to drop cards, counter counted down then stuck at the zero mark, no counters have been used and now all counters are at zero. unable to pass turn or do anything. This is ranked historic on PC. Unable to concede or do anything else in the in-game menu but was able to navigate here to the support page.
Cekai#65026 commented
Game froze when I am winning by next turn . Timer doesn’t pass . When I quit and re-enter game , the draft game reset from 0 wins . I paid for draft . I want compensation
Gbwaffle#48673 commented
My game froze during Kaldheim draft.
Shelkofsky#31463 commented
same thing happened to me
lupo82#20508 commented
it happened to me too
Tugosalf#18499 commented
I couldn't do anything, timer ran out. Couldn't pass turn, couldn't concede match.
rzero#57002 commented
Trying again...
rzero#57002 commented
Screenshot says it all. Timer is frozen. I assume my opponent quit or conceded, which caused the game to bug out.
Eventually I quit the client, and when I reopened it nothing happened. No idea if I won or lost the match. Then I tried to play another match and the client crashed.
Nevermind. I tried to attach a screenshot and logs, but this bug reporter never works.
TreeColors#07952 commented
Same thing happend to me. Went to play a card (pestling spirit) and if froze when I went to play it, then timer ran down and nothing could happen after. Couldn't pass turn or anything.