Constructed Rank is not changing
My rank for constructed rank is not changing up or down after a match.

aliensummer#23652 commented
Same here, I have not seen my rank go up or down for that matter in weeks.
ROK104#74399 commented
constructed rank doesnt go up or down with my wins or losses. This has been going on for a week now.
ROK104#74399 commented
Same issue. Rank hasnt changed whether I win or lose for over a week now.
Holymoe#71487 commented
This is happening to me - my constructed rank seems stuck on bronze even when I win noth8ng happens - on the profile page there is an exclamation mark on constructed which I don’t remember seeing before - limited rank appears to be working though
Watase#30407 commented
Same issue, on PC, since more then a week.
Sanctified68#62226 commented
Lets go there have been plenty of complaints how about you get off your ***** and fix it? we spend plenty of money on this game for prompt fixes when it effects pay out of packs and gems.
Calprimus#19194 commented
Same issue, on PC, since more then a week.
Oppip#68851 commented
Same issue , in android and since last update
tinauzer#23534 commented
same issue, playing on Android. Tryed alchimist and Standard multiple time, either I win or I lose, nothing change. While playing, the badge of the rank is not shown. I suspect I always go in bot games?
Lomic#62162 commented
Same issue here i played several times and no changes. Problem un Android game
Redgig#25563 commented
Rank not changing here either
Cendres#83444 commented rank up after win im still in bronze 0
Oblivionh#41961 commented
I'm having this issue now
I've won multiple games of constructed and can't rank up at all
Cole#97286 commented
Same thing is happening to me. My rank does not go up or down.
FreiherrVonJever#29724 commented
Same issue! Played many ranked games, still the massage, that i don´t play any....
Redbeard#15830 commented
Same issue over here
Tanis#55367 commented
Same issue. Have play 100 games of Constructed Standard Rank and won many, but still says Bronze 0 and that I have not played any games. I am on IOS, iPad. Same screenshot as Se7enfoot below. Also installed on Windows and same issue. Looks like it is related to our specific user profile/data because for some reason our specific users are not able to rank up.
Se7enfoot#22339 commented
I've been playing standard ranked for over a week, even after the update and new season started, I'm still bronze rank zero
tylo#24286 commented
Same here and support told me "Yeah we know, okay bye now." Great system
kans#13175 commented
Yeah same.