Sparky freezes
Bug since last extension went on and while playing direct match with Sparky. If you're playing a deck including "Brideciel allègre" (in french) Sparky is unable to play instants that would involve a mana cost adjustment and the game freezes. All we can do to resolve this is to leave the game.

Lu Inverse#01125 commented
Sparky is freezing on any deck I play about half the time. Most of the Decks I'm playing are Direct Game decks, but I've also run into the issue when trying out the premade decks.
atrocitus88#81542 commented
I've had this happened with other cards where Sparky just freezes and either he resigns or I have to quit for the game to stop.
Envious Spartan#21907 commented
Still does it and it’s annoying. Not just that, her consistent “Hmm”s too. Their programmers really need to work on her.