Unable to sideboard, "Done" has no effect, game continues after timeout
Unable to sideboard. "Done" button does nothing. Deck contains no cards. Timer freezes. Can switch to battlefield with "View Battlefield".
Game continues after timeout (can be seen in battlefield view)
In sideboarding view program variable names appear like "Username1" " LongUserName" and under deck name "{currentQuantity}/{expectedQuantity}"

woody0486#36851 commented
Done button in sideboard won't submit deck. No matter what changes I make, i cannot submit the deck.
spex554#84299 commented
Stuck on sideboarding in traditional matches, the done button does the click animation, but it does not actually register my changes and I have to wait for the timer to run down to move on to the next game.
PhrosenGhost#49643 commented
I have experienced this issue twice today, during tournament play.
Perhaps coincidence, but in both cases, the opponents concedes when I have multiple triggers on the stack from either Lotus Cobra, Felidar Retreat, or Omnath.