The Ozolith
The Ozolith's trigger says may transfer the counters to a creature, and yet it forces you to choose a creature even if you don't have any, leading to an opponent's creature having to be selected, leading to game losses.
Theradaen#13427 commented
Same thing just happened to me... 2.5 years later...
Gotha#87215 commented
yes, one year plus, minus the same problem....
madtyn#74608 commented
Also happened to me between 17:20 and 17:30 UTC time.
I'm attaching the log file here below
Graf Flatula#44722 commented
Just realized that this thread was posted over one year ago, so that really shrank my hope that this is going to be fixed soon or even at all...
Graf Flatula#44722 commented
@elmacro#30419 good to know, just conceded my last game since i had the same problem as most in here. only had enemy creatures to target -.-
but i noticed this error with other cards too saying "you may..." i.e "Shadrix Silverquill".
in that case i didnt even had the choice to decline action.So i think, that many (maybe all?) cards with "you may..." in theirs texts, are considered as "you have to...".
Unless it will get fixed some cards with that certain mechanic aren't just as useful as they should be and further than that, they did cost many times the game. -
Sillyhellhound#13739 commented
Just happened to me and cost me the game.
NoSleep#29814 commented
Just encountered the same issue. Opponents two creatures were the only creatures on the board when I entered combat phase and was forced to choose one to move all counters to. The card specifies "may move all counters". Please fix this! Thank you
Velomojo#05929 commented
I have had the same issue for the past few days, when all your creatures are dead, the Ozolith forces you to pick a creature at the beginning of the combat phase and there is only a 'submit' button available. I tried the 'z' button to undo and nothing works unless you use up all your timeouts to lose your turn.
elmacro#30419 commented
Update: I have only just realized now, there is actually an easy work around for this, it might be why it hasn't been fixed.
When you are forced to select the opponent's creature, select it, the next step then gives you an option to "take action" or "decline". Just select decline and it moves on without moving counters.
elmacro#30419 commented
Same problem here, still happening as of 7/02/21. Forced to either choose an opponents creature or wait for timer.
xhocka#01925 commented
Same! It doesn't happen all the time, in fact I thought it was fixed, but it just happened again. There's a "Submit 0" button but it is greyed out and can't be selected. This only happens when you have no creatures on the board. I have to forfeit a turn and actually lost the match the next round because I couldn't get the Great Henge out with my Ozolith all fuxxed up.
Issue report attached.
Drewcifer#32201 commented
same,, have to wait out the timer :(
Nomnath#30773 commented
Same here as well. No valid targets on my side of the battlefield when the Ozolith triggers with counters on it, yet there is not way to decline or "submit 0." You are forced to either put the counters on your opponent's creature or let the timer run out. Neither of which is desirable, especially when The Ozolith reads as a "may" effect.
CursedSteve#83226 commented
The card does say may move counters, but the submit 0 option is greyed out and cannot click. It's silly this hasn't been fixed since this pack has been out for months.
Slapbox#85736 commented
Having to let it timeout is pretty rough on everyone involved.
Nobody#62647 commented
Let it time out.
KrazyBomb#05283 commented
yEP. It's a real pain.
CelticElf0730#55455 commented
Just lost a game due to Ozolith forcing me to put 15 counters on an opponents creature although the Ozolith clearly states you MAY place counters on target creature
Jormunrir#99198 commented
Same here, cost me the game
Mercury90TAT#12623 commented
Same thing. resulted in my inevitable demise.