missing cards from collection
for the past 2-3 months i've played to build a decent collection so i can make some decks.
Some cards are dissapearing from my collection, even when i have used it.
cards of the events, cards of drafts (yes, the ones that should stay in your collection), cards from packs or even for the daily rewards.
So far i can name 7 cards that are missing. some of them just 1 copy. but others 2 or more.
i've noticed that if the cards arent put in a saved deck... some of them just dissapear.
how can i leave the game with an idea of a deck... and when i came back, the cards just arent there... i've been tempted to buy some of the bundles... but just can't trust if the money will be thrown to garbage.
love to know if any one has notices this into their collection and what were the solution for it.
if i need to build a deck with all my collection, its ok. but tell me! i dont want to feel cheated.
dont make this excellent game go to nowhere!!

Janus Petrykov#87778 commented
This has happened to me several times now. VERY annoying.
Xcaliba#26363 commented
Busy cross referencing WOE Image Gallery with Arena database (incl. Alchemy) for example:
'Overwhelming Remorse' is found in ONE according to Arena database, and
'Invasion of Eldraine' which is found in MOM -
Aiolus#38879 commented
I have had the same problem. I know of one card with 100% certainty and am fairly sure about a couple other cards. I drafted the card Anim Pakal, Thousandth Moon and messed up with it a couple of times. Pretty sure I drafted another one a different time. I've started saving my draft decks to decks/using tracking no clue if it will matter. The worst part is how hard it is to amass cards and cards going missing that I could use is the worst.
LordOderousUrungus#46194 commented
Nearly every pack I get is all “new” cards to my collection. Many of which I’ve collected several times over. This has been going on for months. Got a mythic rare I’ve been wanting today, went to build a deck around it and it’s not in my collection. That finally ****** me off enough to post a complaint. Why am I paying money??
brainstew#97293 commented
I had the very first rares I converted with wild cards disappear from my collection the next day. I'd have taken screen shots if I knew it could be an issue. Will from now on.
So at least 3 years this **** been going on.
robisatsea#76547 commented
This is definitely true! Although I have found that looking for the card specifically will reload it into your collection. If I had to guess, this is some kind of bug or limited storage space. It is really dumb though.
Phil#10820 commented
I think cards being deleted from collections is a feature not a bug. WOTC does this intentionally to keep certain cards from affecting the metagame too much. Similar to how an algorithm is used to determine opponents depending on your win rate, cards in your deck, etc. Its not totally random. They do this to level the playing field for new players. I think WOTC are opening themselves up to liability. If we've paid for cards aren't they technically our property? They cant just delete them, right?
Erwin#98186 commented
I though i have experience it before. But now i know. I have purcased several desks from the lastest release and there are 4 cards missing in my collection. All the missing card are the rare cards the non-rare cards seem to be in my collection.
Hydrozomboy#41255 commented
I figures it out guys...it's all in how the deck is set up. For example if you have an alchemy setting on a deck it won't show any historic cards. Some cards get staged out without notice you still have them in your full collection the little button that says collection at the bottom of your deck menu should show you all your cards. And state whether it can be used in the current standard format. If it's still not there then yes we do have a problem. But I've had cards that weren't announced turn historic
TornadoAftermath#43351 commented
I've had a similar issue with the cards I've been "winning" by playing in the weekly events and tournaments. I claim the prizes after winning the matches, and the cards never show up in my inventory.
Aurel#00347 commented
Same here. I invested some money already in cards and suddenly some are gone. Obviously I cannot prove it. But this is a serious reason NOT to pay ANY money anymore for mtga. Very disapointed to see that this bug has not been resolved for years.
The Ovimancer#50753 commented
I can't remember if this was happening on the pc over a year ago but I've certainly noticed it on Android. If you don't save those daily reward cards in a deck it does seem to go missing like the next day. I doubt mtg could ever replace all these cards that randomly vanish from our collections but I'd settle for the issue to be fixed before I spend any money on this again
StillGathering#36211 commented
Amazing how the annoying bugs (and "bugs") are never fixed, but look! new cards! new game modes! midweek magic! and all that **** no one wants or has any say in it
This issue has deleted from my account one each of the two latest Kayas, Ellywick Tumblestrum, a bunch of commons and uncommons that I ofc didn't notice, Urza's Sylex, Jacob Hauken, Farewell and a Portal to Phyrexia. And those were all cards I'm SURE I crafted and/or built decks with. Some others (still a few) I think I got them in packs/ drafts but looking through the "not collected" filter I can't be sure now. And that's only in my Standard collection.
Freaking pathetic. And they want people to spend money on this virtual game that will give them nothing in return when it self-destructs. Hope that money fits nicely all the way up.
Emrakul#32181 commented
I had just unlocked Platinum Angel (I know this because I had ust opened the pack that contained this card) so, naturally, I go to make a deck with this card and I cant find it anywhere, the card just disappeared I even checked my locked cards and it didnt even pop up as a card that even existed!
Ariel RS#91643 commented
Check at my post above the yours... this is the 2nd time i find this bug and nobody fix it, and like us there a lot of people with this trouble, it might be even a problem with the card or pack we're buying because a friend of mine also had the same problem with an Ugin we both buy a time ago. My advice: keep playing and winning the game coin and buying things but do NOT put your real money on it at least until they fix it and announce it.
GalloCedrone#59135 commented
Same here, noticed because i came back from a year pause, wanted to craft some historic brawl deck and found myself missing cards i was SURE i had, including commons that i drafted many times during past events, or rare i built some deck with (Like mishra's self replicator, or Vona Butcher of Magan).
Guess there's no way for this to get a solution, but **** this feels cheap. -
marauder.manu#13249 commented
Just spent $85 on cards. Some brand new are in a saved deck but not in my whole collection when building decks, ALL NEW ALCHEMY PACKS AS OF THE PAST TEO DAYS WTF. Not cool.
DeusVult#90525 commented
I've had this happen several times now. The first time was about a year ago. I opened i dunno like 20-30 booster packs, and two of the cards I got were Uro Titan of Natures Wrath and the other one was Koma, Cosmos Serpent. I was excited about the Koma since I wanted to build a deck with it. When I went to my library it wasn't there. Filed a complaint and Wizards told me that I had never received a Koma and it wouldn't be possible for it to get vanished. ******* I guess. Saw the Koma 100% aswell as the Uro. **** Wizards I guess.
Now this **** happened again. This time with All Seeing Arbiter. I drafted the card before from a booster, it was part of my library (I've seen it several times while looking through my mystic rares). Then two or three weeks ago I opened a booster, got another All Seeing Arbiter, it DIDN'T show a first tag, but after checking my library for it, there was only one. I made screenshots of it and send them to the "customer support". They again told me it wasn't possible for cards to get lost, and that I had only received one copy of it. I have ******* pictures to prove it. **** Wizards I'm done playing their ****.
I'm thinking about filing a lawsuit because that's just ******* fraud, plain and simple.
**** Wizards -
Pedro#03193 commented
Once I noticed that a Wayward beast was gone. I remember this because I really needed it and at night I pulled it and I was very happy to be building a deck with it in the next day. I couldn't find it and so I was confused. I ignored this, but recently I learned to filter the non collected cards and I saw I was missing Cemetery Prowler... Some months ago I ran a deck with this card... Wtf? I see with this filter other cards I am missing. Sorry but this is the final drop for me, not spending another $ on this. Is anyone looking at this?
Jurna#27683 commented
After 2020 coreset, i stopped the playing. Nowadays i started again and can't find any of my old cards. I played on computer and now i am playing on ios.
When i feel close to buy mastery pass or booster or smthng like that. I ask myself if i lost my cards paid by real money, again. That would be really annoying.
Simply until i get my cards back (cuz they are mine), i will not spend money for my collection.