Niv mizzet + curiosity circumvents rules on infinite loops
As I understand it Niv Mizzet and curiosity results in infinite combo where no interaction is possible, is this not against the rules. It should result in a draw not in a win for its use.
If this isn't the case why is the Vito + Exquisite blood combo not allowed.
Wily#17253 commented
Just faced Exquisite blood and marauding blight-priest. the effect is the same. Exquisite blood is too op. With his cloudsteel kirin on a indestructable creature. his life was around -180 mine was 400+ hp i made him wait the extra 45 mins to kill me with the infinite combo.. No draw or loss for repeating the same combo for like 300 times
Methyle#82672 commented
Niv-Mizzet, Parun & Curoisity this is the most ******** combo this needs to be fixed. *** on MTG Arena!
Xivia#98683 commented
both of these combos should be a win because damage is dealt and once an opponent reaches 0 they lose a s a state based action.
Loosechanges#65267 commented
I believe the infinite loop rule is only relevant if the game state does not change. So neither of those combos should cause a draw unless i'm missing something. Believe it's a bug.