Connection Lost
I am trying to log in to Arena and it just gives me this error of Connection Lost: You have lost your connection to the server
DYGAD#23882 commented
I've had the same issue, but for some reason refreshing my DNS cache lets me log in. The catch is I have to do it every time before I launch MTGA which is super annoying.
Trygester#22079 commented
Happens again and again, starting right after a game completed. Yet my wired Internet connectivity is rock solid to multiple websites including this one.
JudasTrooper#45692 commented
Wizzards just said to me, that they don't know how to fix it.
Also, they "said" that they don't want to help me.
They have suggested me some "generic" solutions and a few specific ones. And nothing helped.
After that "it is your problem, we will not help you".
I see, that a lot of people get this game breaking issue after an update in October. But Wizzards still think, that it is not worth to investigate.
While people can not login in their game for almost half a year, they just keep ignoring players.
How could I donated to them via Arena? I don't know now.
Jinx#64368 commented
Disable your VPN ..
Moodsers#26108 commented
This was an issue with my Pixel 6 Pro and is still an issue with my new Samsung s22. I have tried to uninstall, restart the phone, and reinstall but nothing works.
DrewDotCom#80689 commented
I am still having this issue. I haven't been able to play on my Galaxy S21 for several months now. I figured after the ONE update it would be a fresh client and it would maybe work. But it doesn't. I'm stuck in a Connection Lost loop. I hit reconnect, it spins for 60 seconds, then says Connection Lost again.
DragonDruid3309#97458 commented
I'm having the same issue. I'm on a galaxy note 10+ android.
CarlosDropD#30415 commented
Same problem in here, any updates on how to resolve this? I was playing regularly during the day and around 8 pm this started to happen, I also don’t have problems with mi internet connections.
wjesus92#39659 commented
after today, all the time i open mtg arena give me this error
rene1212#50973 commented
I have the Same Problem after a game in the Omniscence Draft Crashed today. I try a reinstall/DNS Flush and another Laptop. I still get this Error
Shendue#13312 commented
Same, after today's update.
Synistur#01471 commented
I have this issue for a day or two after every update.
Heather#62002 commented
So I went from 'waiting for server' to 'connection lost'. Fixing this would be nice. Thanks.
iivii#88720 commented
I have not been able to log in on the phone even once since downloading Arena on it. As soon as I type in my credentials, I get this same error. So I was never connected to begin with.
MikeTL#92349 commented
This is the third straight week (maybe 4th) where I try to log in on a Thursday, and it fails to load. It comes back on Friday, but i lose a day of playing. I am on a PC; there is no problem on the iPhone.
Synistur#01471 commented
Having this same issue today. It's been a week or so since it's happened on my desktop(windows 10) but it's been happening all day.
DLDarkBant83#49723 commented
I’m having the same problem, except today is the day I’m noticing it…iPhone user
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